
mmagic.apis.inferencers.controlnet_animation_inferencer 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import os
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

import cv2
import mmcv
import numpy as np
import PIL.Image
import requests
import torch
from controlnet_aux import HEDdetector
from mmengine.config import Config
from mmengine.runner import set_random_seed

from mmagic.registry import DIFFUSION_SCHEDULERS, MODELS
from mmagic.utils import ConfigType
from .base_mmagic_inferencer import BaseMMagicInferencer

[文档]VIDEO_EXTENSIONS = ('.mp4', '.mov', '.avi')
[文档]IMAGE_EXTENSIONS = ('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.JPG', '.JPEG', '.PNG')
[文档]def load_image(image: Union[str, PIL.Image.Image]) -> PIL.Image.Image: """ Args: Loads `image` to a PIL Image. image (`str` or `PIL.Image.Image`): The image to convert to the PIL Image format. Returns: `PIL.Image.Image`: A PIL Image. """ if isinstance(image, str): if image.startswith('http://') or image.startswith('https://'): image =, stream=True).raw) elif os.path.isfile(image): image = else: raise ValueError( f'Incorrect path or url, URLs must start with `http://` ' f'or `https://`, and {image} is not a valid path') elif isinstance(image, PIL.Image.Image): image = image else: raise ValueError( 'Incorrect format used for image. Should be an url linking' ' to an image, a local path, or a PIL image.') image = PIL.ImageOps.exif_transpose(image) image = image.convert('RGB') return image
[文档]class ControlnetAnimationInferencer(BaseMMagicInferencer): """Base inferencer. Args: config (str or ConfigType): Model config or the path to it. ckpt (str, optional): Path to the checkpoint. device (str, optional): Device to run inference. If None, the best device will be automatically used. result_out_dir (str): Output directory of images. Defaults to ''. """
[文档] func_kwargs = dict( preprocess=[], forward=[], visualize=['result_out_dir'], postprocess=['get_datasample'])
[文档] func_order = dict(preprocess=0, forward=1, visualize=2, postprocess=3)
[文档] extra_parameters = dict()
def __init__(self, config: Union[ConfigType, str], device: Optional[str] = None, extra_parameters: Optional[Dict] = None, dtype=torch.float32, **kwargs) -> None: cfg = Config.fromfile(config) self.hed = HEDdetector.from_pretrained(cfg.control_detector) self.inference_method = cfg.inference_method if self.inference_method == 'attention_injection': cfg.model.attention_injection = True self.pipe = control_scheduler_cfg = dict( type=cfg.control_scheduler, from_config=self.pipe.scheduler.config, ) control_scheduler = self.pipe.test_scheduler = control_scheduler @torch.no_grad()
[文档] def __call__(self, prompt=None, video=None, negative_prompt=None, controlnet_conditioning_scale=0.7, image_width=512, image_height=512, save_path=None, strength=0.75, num_inference_steps=20, seed=1, output_fps=None, reference_img=None, **kwargs) -> Union[Dict, List[Dict]]: """Call the inferencer. Args: kwargs: Keyword arguments for the inferencer. Returns: Union[Dict, List[Dict]]: Results of inference pipeline. """ if save_path is None: from datetime import datetime datestring ='%y%m%d-%H%M%S') save_path = '/tmp/' + datestring + '.mp4' set_random_seed(seed) latent_width = image_width // 8 latent_height = image_height // 8 init_noise_shape = (1, 4, latent_height, latent_width) init_noise_all_frame = torch.randn( init_noise_shape, dtype=self.pipe.controlnet.dtype).cuda() init_noise_shape_cat = (1, 4, latent_height, latent_width * 3) init_noise_all_frame_cat = torch.randn( init_noise_shape_cat, dtype=self.pipe.controlnet.dtype).cuda() latent_mask = torch.zeros( (1, 4, image_height // 8, image_width // 8 * 3)) latent_mask[:, :, :, image_width // 8 + 1:image_width // 8 * 2 - 1] = 1.0 latent_mask = latent_mask.type(self.pipe.controlnet.dtype).cuda() # load the images input_file_extension = os.path.splitext(video)[1] from_video = True all_images = [] if input_file_extension in VIDEO_EXTENSIONS: video_reader = mmcv.VideoReader(video) input_fps = int(video_reader.fps) if output_fps is None: output_fps = input_fps if output_fps > input_fps: output_fps = input_fps sample_rate = int(input_fps / output_fps) fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v') video_writer = cv2.VideoWriter(save_path, fourcc, output_fps, (image_width, image_height)) for frame in video_reader: all_images.append(np.flip(frame, axis=2)) else: frame_files = os.listdir(video) frame_files = [os.path.join(video, f) for f in frame_files] frame_files.sort() for frame in frame_files: frame_extension = os.path.splitext(frame)[1] if frame_extension in IMAGE_EXTENSIONS: all_images.append(frame) if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) from_video = False if self.inference_method == 'multi-frame rendering': # first result if from_video: image = PIL.Image.fromarray(all_images[0]) else: image = load_image(all_images[0]) image = image.resize((image_width, image_height)) detect_resolution = min(image_width, image_height) hed_image = self.hed( image, detect_resolution=detect_resolution, image_resolution=detect_resolution) hed_image = hed_image.resize((image_width, image_height)) result = self.pipe.infer( control=hed_image, latent_image=image, prompt=prompt, negative_prompt=negative_prompt, strength=strength, controlnet_conditioning_scale=controlnet_conditioning_scale, num_inference_steps=num_inference_steps, latents=init_noise_all_frame)['samples'][0] first_result = result first_hed = hed_image last_result = result last_hed = hed_image for ind in range(len(all_images)): if from_video: if ind % sample_rate > 0: continue image = PIL.Image.fromarray(all_images[ind]) else: image = load_image(all_images[ind]) print('processing frame ind ' + str(ind)) image = image.resize((image_width, image_height)) hed_image = self.hed(image, image_resolution=image_width) concat_img ='RGB', (image_width * 3, image_height)) concat_img.paste(last_result, (0, 0)) concat_img.paste(image, (image_width, 0)) concat_img.paste(first_result, (image_width * 2, 0)) concat_hed ='RGB', (image_width * 3, image_height), 'black') concat_hed.paste(last_hed, (0, 0)) concat_hed.paste(hed_image, (image_width, 0)) concat_hed.paste(first_hed, (image_width * 2, 0)) result = self.pipe.infer( control=concat_hed, latent_image=concat_img, prompt=prompt, negative_prompt=negative_prompt, strength=strength, controlnet_conditioning_scale= # noqa controlnet_conditioning_scale, num_inference_steps=num_inference_steps, latents=init_noise_all_frame_cat, latent_mask=latent_mask, )['samples'][0] result = result.crop( (image_width, 0, image_width * 2, image_height)) last_result = result last_hed = hed_image if from_video: video_writer.write(np.flip(np.asarray(result), axis=2)) else: frame_name = frame_files[ind].split('/')[-1] save_name = os.path.join(save_path, frame_name) if from_video: video_writer.release() else: if reference_img is None: if from_video: image = PIL.Image.fromarray(all_images[0]) else: image = load_image(all_images[0]) image = image.resize((image_width, image_height)) detect_resolution = min(image_width, image_height) hed_image = self.hed( image, detect_resolution=detect_resolution, image_resolution=detect_resolution) hed_image = hed_image.resize((image_width, image_height)) result = self.pipe.infer( control=hed_image, latent_image=image, prompt=prompt, negative_prompt=negative_prompt, strength=strength, controlnet_conditioning_scale= # noqa controlnet_conditioning_scale, num_inference_steps=num_inference_steps, latents=init_noise_all_frame)['samples'][0] reference_img = result else: reference_img = load_image(reference_img) reference_img = reference_img.resize( (image_width, image_height)) for ind in range(len(all_images)): if from_video: if ind % sample_rate > 0: continue image = PIL.Image.fromarray(all_images[ind]) else: image = load_image(all_images[ind]) print('processing frame ind ' + str(ind)) image = image.resize((image_width, image_height)) hed_image = self.hed(image, image_resolution=image_width) result = self.pipe.infer( control=hed_image, latent_image=image, prompt=prompt, negative_prompt=negative_prompt, strength=strength, controlnet_conditioning_scale= # noqa controlnet_conditioning_scale, num_inference_steps=num_inference_steps, latents=init_noise_all_frame, reference_img=reference_img, )['samples'][0] if from_video: video_writer.write(np.flip(np.asarray(result), axis=2)) else: frame_name = frame_files[ind].split('/')[-1] save_name = os.path.join(save_path, frame_name) if from_video: video_writer.release() return save_path
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