
mmagic.apis.inferencers.video_restoration_inferencer 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import glob
import os
import os.path as osp
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import cv2
import mmcv
import mmengine
import numpy as np
import torch
from mmengine.dataset import Compose
from mmengine.logging import MMLogger
from mmengine.utils import ProgressBar

from mmagic.utils import tensor2img
from .base_mmagic_inferencer import (BaseMMagicInferencer, InputsType,
                                     PredType, ResType)
from .inference_functions import VIDEO_EXTENSIONS, pad_sequence

[文档]class VideoRestorationInferencer(BaseMMagicInferencer): """inferencer that predicts with video restoration models."""
[文档] func_kwargs = dict( preprocess=['video'], forward=[], visualize=['result_out_dir'], postprocess=[])
[文档] extra_parameters = dict( start_idx=0, filename_tmpl='{:08d}.png', window_size=0, max_seq_len=None)
[文档] def preprocess(self, video: InputsType) -> Dict: """Process the inputs into a model-feedable format. Args: video(InputsType): Video to be restored by models. Returns: results(InputsType): Results of preprocess. """ # build the data pipeline if self.model.cfg.get('demo_pipeline', None): test_pipeline = self.model.cfg.demo_pipeline elif self.model.cfg.get('test_pipeline', None): test_pipeline = self.model.cfg.test_pipeline else: test_pipeline = self.model.cfg.val_pipeline # check if the input is a video file_extension = osp.splitext(video)[1] if file_extension in VIDEO_EXTENSIONS: video_reader = mmcv.VideoReader(video) # load the images data = dict(img=[], img_path=None, key=video) for frame in video_reader: data['img'].append(np.flip(frame, axis=2)) # remove the data loading pipeline tmp_pipeline = [] for pipeline in test_pipeline: if pipeline['type'] not in [ 'GenerateSegmentIndices', 'LoadImageFromFile' ]: tmp_pipeline.append(pipeline) test_pipeline = tmp_pipeline else: # the first element in the pipeline must be # 'GenerateSegmentIndices' if test_pipeline[0]['type'] != 'GenerateSegmentIndices': raise TypeError('The first element in the pipeline must be ' f'"GenerateSegmentIndices", but got ' f'"{test_pipeline[0]["type"]}".') # specify start_idx and filename_tmpl test_pipeline[0]['start_idx'] = self.extra_parameters['start_idx'] test_pipeline[0]['filename_tmpl'] = \ self.extra_parameters['filename_tmpl'] # prepare data sequence_length = len(glob.glob(osp.join(video, '*'))) lq_folder = osp.dirname(video) key = osp.basename(video) data = dict( img_path=lq_folder, gt_path='', key=key, sequence_length=sequence_length) # compose the pipeline test_pipeline = Compose(test_pipeline) data = test_pipeline(data) results = data['inputs'].unsqueeze(0) / 255.0 # in cpu return results
[文档] def forward(self, inputs: InputsType) -> PredType: """Forward the inputs to the model. Args: inputs (InputsType): Images array of input video. Returns: PredType: Results of forwarding """ with torch.no_grad(): if self.extra_parameters[ 'window_size'] > 0: # sliding window framework data = pad_sequence(inputs, self.extra_parameters['window_size']) result = [] # yapf: disable for i in range(0, data.size(1) - 2 * (self.extra_parameters['window_size'] // 2)): # noqa # yapf: enable data_i = data[:, i:i + self.extra_parameters['window_size']].to( self.device) result.append( self.model(inputs=data_i, mode='tensor').cpu()) result = torch.stack(result, dim=1) else: # recurrent framework if self.extra_parameters['max_seq_len'] is None: result = self.model(, mode='tensor').cpu() else: result = [] for i in range(0, inputs.size(1), self.extra_parameters['max_seq_len']): result.append( self.model( inputs=inputs[:, i:i + self. extra_parameters['max_seq_len']]. to(self.device), mode='tensor').cpu()) result =, dim=1) return result
[文档] def visualize(self, preds: PredType, result_out_dir: str = '') -> List[np.ndarray]: """Visualize predictions. Args: preds (List[Union[str, np.ndarray]]): Forward results by the inferencer. data (List[Dict]): Not needed by this kind of inferencer. result_out_dir (str): Output directory of image. Defaults to ''. Returns: List[np.ndarray]: Result of visualize """ file_extension = os.path.splitext(result_out_dir)[1] mmengine.utils.mkdir_or_exist(osp.dirname(result_out_dir)) prog_bar = ProgressBar(preds.size(1)) if file_extension in VIDEO_EXTENSIONS: # save as video h, w = preds.shape[-2:] fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v') video_writer = cv2.VideoWriter(result_out_dir, fourcc, 25, (w, h)) for i in range(0, preds.size(1)): img = tensor2img(preds[:, i, :, :, :]) video_writer.write(img.astype(np.uint8)) prog_bar.update() cv2.destroyAllWindows() video_writer.release() else: for i in range(self.extra_parameters['start_idx'], self.extra_parameters['start_idx'] + preds.size(1)): output_i = \ preds[:, i - self.extra_parameters['start_idx'], :, :, :] output_i = tensor2img(output_i) filename_tmpl = self.extra_parameters['filename_tmpl'] save_path_i = f'{result_out_dir}/{filename_tmpl.format(i)}' mmcv.imwrite(output_i, save_path_i) prog_bar.update() logger: MMLogger = MMLogger.get_current_instance()'Output video is save at {result_out_dir}.') return []
[文档] def postprocess( self, preds: PredType, imgs: Optional[List[np.ndarray]] = None ) -> Union[ResType, Tuple[ResType, np.ndarray]]: """Postprocess is not needed in this inferencer.""" logger: MMLogger = MMLogger.get_current_instance()'Postprocess is implemented in visualize process.') return None
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