
mmagic.datasets.transforms.aug_pixel 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import math
import numbers
import random
from typing import Dict

import cv2
import numpy as np
import torch
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
from mmcv.transforms import BaseTransform
from PIL import Image

from mmagic.registry import TRANSFORMS

[文档]class BinarizeImage(BaseTransform): """Binarize image. Args: keys (Sequence[str]): The images to be binarized. binary_thr (float): Threshold for binarization. a_min (int): Lower limits of pixel value. a_max (int): Upper limits of pixel value. dtype (np.dtype): Set the data type of the output. Default: np.uint8 """ def __init__(self, keys, binary_thr, a_min=0, a_max=1, dtype=np.uint8): self.keys = keys self.binary_thr = binary_thr self.a_min = a_min self.a_max = a_max self.dtype = dtype
[文档] def _binarize(self, img): """Binarize image. Args: img (np.ndarray): Input image. Returns: img (np.ndarray): Output image. """ # Binarize to 0/1 img = (img[..., :] > self.binary_thr).astype(np.uint8) if self.a_min != 0 or self.a_max != 1 or self.dtype != np.uint8: img = img * (self.a_max - self.a_min) + self.a_min img = img.astype(self.dtype) return img
[文档] def transform(self, results): """The transform function of BinarizeImage. Args: results (dict): A dict containing the necessary information and data for augmentation. Returns: dict: A dict containing the processed data and information. """ for k in self.keys: results[k] = self._binarize(results[k]) return results
[文档] def __repr__(self): repr_str = self.__class__.__name__ repr_str += ( f'(keys={self.keys}, binary_thr={self.binary_thr}, ' f'a_min={self.a_min}, a_max={self.a_max}, dtype={self.dtype})') return repr_str
[文档]class Clip(BaseTransform): """Clip the pixels. Modified keys are the attributes specified in "keys". Args: keys (list[str]): The keys whose values are clipped. a_min (int): Lower limits of pixel value. a_max (int): Upper limits of pixel value. """ def __init__(self, keys, a_min=0, a_max=255): self.keys = keys self.a_min = a_min self.a_max = a_max
[文档] def _clip(self, input_): """Clip the pixels. Args: input_ (Union[List, np.ndarray]): Pixels to clip. Returns: Union[List, np.ndarray]: Clipped pixels. """ is_single_image = False if isinstance(input_, np.ndarray): is_single_image = True input_ = [input_] # clip input_ = [np.clip(v, self.a_min, self.a_max) for v in input_] if is_single_image: input_ = input_[0] return input_
[文档] def transform(self, results): """transform function. Args: results (dict): A dict containing the necessary information and data for augmentation. Returns: dict: A dict with the values of the specified keys are rounded and clipped. """ for key in self.keys: results[key] = self._clip(results[key]) return results
[文档] def __repr__(self): result = self.__class__.__name__ result += f'(a_min={self.a_min}, a_max={self.a_max})' return result
[文档]class ColorJitter(BaseTransform): """An interface for torch color jitter so that it can be invoked in mmagic pipeline. Randomly change the brightness, contrast and saturation of an image. Modified keys are the attributes specified in "keys". Required Keys: - [KEYS] Modified Keys: - [KEYS] Args: keys (list[str]): The images to be resized. channel_order (str): Order of channel, candidates are 'bgr' and 'rgb'. Default: 'rgb'. Notes: ``**kwards`` follows the args list of ``torchvision.transforms.ColorJitter``. brightness (float or tuple of float (min, max)): How much to jitter brightness. brightness_factor is chosen uniformly from [max(0, 1 - brightness), 1 + brightness] or the given [min, max]. Should be non negative numbers. contrast (float or tuple of float (min, max)): How much to jitter contrast. contrast_factor is chosen uniformly from [max(0, 1 - contrast), 1 + contrast] or the given [min, max]. Should be non negative numbers. saturation (float or tuple of float (min, max)): How much to jitter saturation. saturation_factor is chosen uniformly from [max(0, 1 - saturation), 1 + saturation] or the given [min, max]. Should be non negative numbers. hue (float or tuple of float (min, max)): How much to jitter hue. hue_factor is chosen uniformly from [-hue, hue] or the given [min, max]. Should have 0<= hue <= 0.5 or -0.5 <= min <= max <= 0.5. """ def __init__(self, keys, channel_order='rgb', **kwargs): assert keys, 'Keys should not be empty.' assert 'to_rgb' not in kwargs, ( '`to_rgb` is not support in ColorJitter, ' "which is replaced by `channel_order` ('rgb' or 'bgr')") self.keys = keys self.channel_order = channel_order self._transform = transforms.ColorJitter(**kwargs)
[文档] def _color_jitter(self, image, this_seed): """Color Jitter Function. Args: image (np.ndarray): Image. this_seed (int): Seed of torch. Returns: image (np.ndarray): The output image. """ if self.channel_order.lower() == 'bgr': image = image[..., ::-1] image = Image.fromarray(image) torch.manual_seed(this_seed) image = self._transform(image) image = np.asarray(image) if self.channel_order.lower() == 'bgr': image = image[..., ::-1] return image
[文档] def transform(self, results: Dict) -> Dict: """The transform function of ColorJitter. Args: results (dict): The result dict. Returns: dict: The result dict. """ this_seed = random.randint(0, 2**32) for k in self.keys: if isinstance(results[k], list): results[k] = [ self._color_jitter(v, this_seed) for v in results[k] ] else: results[k] = self._color_jitter(results[k], this_seed) return results
[文档] def __repr__(self): repr_str = self.__class__.__name__ repr_str += (f'(keys={self.keys}, channel_order={self.channel_order}, ' f'brightness={self._transform.brightness}, ' f'contrast={self._transform.contrast}, ' f'saturation={self._transform.saturation}, ' f'hue={self._transform.hue})') return repr_str
[文档]class RandomAffine(BaseTransform): """Apply random affine to input images. This class is adopted from It should be noted that in random flip is added. See explanation of `flip_ratio` below. Required keys are the keys in attribute "keys", modified keys are keys in attribute "keys". Args: keys (Sequence[str]): The images to be affined. degrees (float | tuple[float]): Range of degrees to select from. If it is a float instead of a tuple like (min, max), the range of degrees will be (-degrees, +degrees). Set to 0 to deactivate rotations. translate (tuple, optional): Tuple of maximum absolute fraction for horizontal and vertical translations. For example translate=(a, b), then horizontal shift is randomly sampled in the range -img_width * a < dx < img_width * a and vertical shift is randomly sampled in the range -img_height * b < dy < img_height * b. Default: None. scale (tuple, optional): Scaling factor interval, e.g (a, b), then scale is randomly sampled from the range a <= scale <= b. Default: None. shear (float | tuple[float], optional): Range of shear degrees to select from. If shear is a float, a shear parallel to the x axis and a shear parallel to the y axis in the range (-shear, +shear) will be applied. Else if shear is a tuple of 2 values, a x-axis shear and a y-axis shear in (shear[0], shear[1]) will be applied. Default: None. flip_ratio (float, optional): Probability of the image being flipped. The flips in horizontal direction and vertical direction are independent. The image may be flipped in both directions. Default: None. """ def __init__(self, keys, degrees, translate=None, scale=None, shear=None, flip_ratio=None): self.keys = keys if isinstance(degrees, numbers.Number): assert degrees >= 0, ('If degrees is a single number, ' 'it must be positive.') self.degrees = (-degrees, degrees) else: assert isinstance(degrees, tuple) and len(degrees) == 2, \ 'degrees should be a tuple and it must be of length 2.' self.degrees = degrees if translate is not None: assert isinstance(translate, tuple) and len(translate) == 2, \ 'translate should be a tuple and it must be of length 2.' for t in translate: assert 0.0 <= t <= 1.0, ('translation values should be ' 'between 0 and 1.') self.translate = translate if scale is not None: assert isinstance(scale, tuple) and len(scale) == 2, \ 'scale should be a tuple and it must be of length 2.' for s in scale: assert s > 0, 'scale values should be positive.' self.scale = scale if shear is not None: if isinstance(shear, numbers.Number): assert shear >= 0, ('If shear is a single number, ' 'it must be positive.') self.shear = (-shear, shear) else: assert isinstance(shear, tuple) and len(shear) == 2, \ 'shear should be a tuple and it must be of length 2.' # X-Axis and Y-Axis shear with (min, max) self.shear = shear else: self.shear = shear if flip_ratio is not None: assert isinstance(flip_ratio, float), 'flip_ratio should be a float.' self.flip_ratio = flip_ratio else: self.flip_ratio = 0 @staticmethod
[文档] def _get_params(degrees, translate, scale_ranges, shears, flip_ratio, img_size): """Get parameters for affine transformation. Returns: paras (tuple): Params to be passed to the affine transformation. """ angle = np.random.uniform(degrees[0], degrees[1]) if translate is not None: max_dx = translate[0] * img_size[0] max_dy = translate[1] * img_size[1] translations = (np.round(np.random.uniform(-max_dx, max_dx)), np.round(np.random.uniform(-max_dy, max_dy))) else: translations = (0, 0) if scale_ranges is not None: scale = (np.random.uniform(scale_ranges[0], scale_ranges[1]), np.random.uniform(scale_ranges[0], scale_ranges[1])) else: scale = (1.0, 1.0) if shears is not None: shear = np.random.uniform(shears[0], shears[1]) else: shear = 0.0 # Because `flip` is used as a multiplier in line 479 and 480, # so -1 stands for flip and 1 stands for no flip. Thus `flip` # should be an 'inverse' flag as the result of the comparison. # See for more detail flip = (np.random.rand(2) > flip_ratio).astype(np.int32) * 2 - 1 return angle, translations, scale, shear, flip
[文档] def _get_inverse_affine_matrix(center, angle, translate, scale, shear, flip): """Helper method to compute inverse matrix for affine transformation. As it is explained in PIL.Image.rotate, we need compute INVERSE of affine transformation matrix: M = T * C * RSS * C^-1 where T is translation matrix: [1, 0, tx | 0, 1, ty | 0, 0, 1]; C is translation matrix to keep center: [1, 0, cx | 0, 1, cy | 0, 0, 1]; RSS is rotation with scale and shear matrix. It is different from the original function in torchvision. 1. The order are changed to flip -> scale -> rotation -> shear. 2. x and y have different scale factors. RSS(shear, a, scale, f) = [ cos(a + shear)*scale_x*f -sin(a + shear)*scale_y 0] [ sin(a)*scale_x*f cos(a)*scale_y 0] [ 0 0 1] Thus, the inverse is M^-1 = C * RSS^-1 * C^-1 * T^-1. """ angle = math.radians(angle) shear = math.radians(shear) scale_x = 1.0 / scale[0] * flip[0] scale_y = 1.0 / scale[1] * flip[1] # Inverted rotation matrix with scale and shear d = math.cos(angle + shear) * math.cos(angle) + math.sin( angle + shear) * math.sin(angle) matrix = [ math.cos(angle) * scale_x, math.sin(angle + shear) * scale_x, 0, -math.sin(angle) * scale_y, math.cos(angle + shear) * scale_y, 0 ] matrix = [m / d for m in matrix] # Apply inverse of translation and of center translation: # RSS^-1 * C^-1 * T^-1 matrix[2] += matrix[0] * (-center[0] - translate[0]) + matrix[1] * ( -center[1] - translate[1]) matrix[5] += matrix[3] * (-center[0] - translate[0]) + matrix[4] * ( -center[1] - translate[1]) # Apply center translation: C * RSS^-1 * C^-1 * T^-1 matrix[2] += center[0] matrix[5] += center[1] return matrix
[文档] def transform(self, results): """transform function. Args: results (dict): A dict containing the necessary information and data for augmentation. Returns: dict: A dict containing the processed data and information. """ h, w = results[self.keys[0]].shape[:2] # if image is too small, set degree to 0 to reduce introduced dark area if np.maximum(h, w) < 1024: params = self._get_params((0, 0), self.translate, self.scale, self.shear, self.flip_ratio, (h, w)) else: params = self._get_params(self.degrees, self.translate, self.scale, self.shear, self.flip_ratio, (h, w)) center = (w * 0.5 - 0.5, h * 0.5 - 0.5) M = self._get_inverse_affine_matrix(center, *params) M = np.array(M).reshape((2, 3)) for key in self.keys: ori_ndim = results[key].ndim results[key] = cv2.warpAffine( results[key], M, (w, h), flags=cv2.INTER_NEAREST + cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP) if ori_ndim == 3 and results[key].ndim == 2: results[key] = results[key][..., None] return results
[文档] def __repr__(self): repr_str = self.__class__.__name__ repr_str += (f'(keys={self.keys}, degrees={self.degrees}, ' f'translate={self.translate}, scale={self.scale}, ' f'shear={self.shear}, flip_ratio={self.flip_ratio})') return repr_str
[文档]class RandomMaskDilation(BaseTransform): """Randomly dilate binary masks. Args: keys (Sequence[str]): The images to be resized. binary_thr (float): Threshold for obtaining binary mask. Default: 0. kernel_min (int): Min size of dilation kernel. Default: 9. kernel_max (int): Max size of dilation kernel. Default: 49. """ def __init__(self, keys, binary_thr=0., kernel_min=9, kernel_max=49): self.keys = keys self.kernel_min = kernel_min self.kernel_max = kernel_max self.binary_thr = binary_thr
[文档] def _random_dilate(self, img): kernel_size = np.random.randint(self.kernel_min, self.kernel_max + 1) kernel = np.ones((kernel_size, kernel_size), dtype=np.uint8) dilate_kernel_size = kernel_size img_ = cv2.dilate(img, kernel, iterations=1) img_ = (img_ > self.binary_thr).astype(np.float32) return img_, dilate_kernel_size
[文档] def transform(self, results): """transform function. Args: results (dict): A dict containing the necessary information and data for augmentation. Returns: dict: A dict containing the processed data and information. """ for k in self.keys: results[k], d_kernel = self._random_dilate(results[k]) if len(results[k].shape) == 2: results[k] = np.expand_dims(results[k], axis=2) results[k + '_dilate_kernel_size'] = d_kernel return results
[文档] def __repr__(self): repr_str = self.__class__.__name__ repr_str += (f'(keys={self.keys}, kernel_min={self.kernel_min}, ' f'kernel_max={self.kernel_max})') return repr_str
[文档]class UnsharpMasking(BaseTransform): """Apply unsharp masking to an image or a sequence of images. Args: kernel_size (int): The kernel_size of the Gaussian kernel. sigma (float): The standard deviation of the Gaussian. weight (float): The weight of the "details" in the final output. threshold (float): Pixel differences larger than this value are regarded as "details". keys (list[str]): The keys whose values are processed. Added keys are "xxx_unsharp", where "xxx" are the attributes specified in "keys". """ def __init__(self, kernel_size, sigma, weight, threshold, keys): if kernel_size % 2 == 0: raise ValueError('kernel_size must be an odd number, but ' f'got {kernel_size}.') self.kernel_size = kernel_size self.sigma = sigma self.weight = weight self.threshold = threshold self.keys = keys kernel = cv2.getGaussianKernel(kernel_size, sigma) self.kernel = np.matmul(kernel, kernel.transpose())
[文档] def _unsharp_masking(self, imgs): """Unsharp masking function.""" is_single_image = False if isinstance(imgs, np.ndarray): is_single_image = True imgs = [imgs] outputs = [] for img in imgs: img = img.astype(np.float32) residue = img - cv2.filter2D(img, -1, self.kernel) mask = np.float32(np.abs(residue) > self.threshold) soft_mask = cv2.filter2D(mask, -1, self.kernel) sharpened = np.clip(img + self.weight * residue, 0, 255) outputs.append(soft_mask * sharpened + (1 - soft_mask) * img) if is_single_image: outputs = outputs[0] return outputs
[文档] def transform(self, results): """transform function. Args: results (dict): A dict containing the necessary information and data for augmentation. Returns: dict: A dict containing the processed data and information. """ for key in self.keys: results[f'{key}_unsharp'] = self._unsharp_masking(results[key]) return results
[文档] def __repr__(self): repr_str = self.__class__.__name__ repr_str += (f'(keys={self.keys}, kernel_size={self.kernel_size}, ' f'sigma={self.sigma}, weight={self.weight}, ' f'threshold={self.threshold})') return repr_str
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