
mmagic.datasets.transforms.loading 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import os.path as osp
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple

import mmcv
import numpy as np
from mmcv.transforms import BaseTransform
from mmengine.fileio import get_file_backend, list_from_file

from mmagic.registry import TRANSFORMS
from mmagic.utils import (bbox2mask, brush_stroke_mask, get_irregular_mask,

[文档]class LoadImageFromFile(BaseTransform): """Load a single image or image frames from corresponding paths. Required Keys: - [Key]_path New Keys: - [KEY] - ori_[KEY]_shape - ori_[KEY] Args: key (str): Keys in results to find corresponding path. color_type (str): The flag argument for :func:``mmcv.imfrombytes``. Defaults to 'color'. channel_order (str): Order of channel, candidates are 'bgr' and 'rgb'. Default: 'bgr'. imdecode_backend (str): The image decoding backend type. The backend argument for :func:``mmcv.imfrombytes``. See :func:``mmcv.imfrombytes`` for details. candidates are 'cv2', 'turbojpeg', 'pillow', and 'tifffile'. Defaults to None. use_cache (bool): If True, load all images at once. Default: False. to_float32 (bool): Whether to convert the loaded image to a float32 numpy array. If set to False, the loaded image is an uint8 array. Defaults to False. to_y_channel (bool): Whether to convert the loaded image to y channel. Only support 'rgb2ycbcr' and 'rgb2ycbcr' Defaults to False. backend_args (dict, optional): Arguments to instantiate the prefix of uri corresponding backend. Defaults to None. """ def __init__( self, key: str, color_type: str = 'color', channel_order: str = 'bgr', imdecode_backend: Optional[str] = None, use_cache: bool = False, to_float32: bool = False, to_y_channel: bool = False, save_original_img: bool = False, backend_args: Optional[dict] = None, ) -> None: self.key = key self.color_type = color_type self.channel_order = channel_order self.imdecode_backend = imdecode_backend self.save_original_img = save_original_img if backend_args is None: # lasy init at loading self.backend_args = None self.file_backend = None else: self.backend_args = backend_args.copy() self.file_backend = get_file_backend(backend_args=backend_args) # cache self.use_cache = use_cache self.cache = dict() # convert self.to_float32 = to_float32 self.to_y_channel = to_y_channel
[文档] def transform(self, results: dict) -> dict: """Functions to load image or frames. Args: results (dict): Result dict from :obj:``mmcv.BaseDataset``. Returns: dict: The dict contains loaded image and meta information. """ filenames = results[f'{self.key}_path'] if not isinstance(filenames, (List, Tuple)): filenames = [str(filenames)] is_frames = False else: filenames = [str(v) for v in filenames] is_frames = True images = [] shapes = [] if self.save_original_img: ori_imgs = [] for filename in filenames: img = self._load_image(filename) img = self._convert(img) images.append(img) shapes.append(img.shape) if self.save_original_img: ori_imgs.append(img.copy()) if not is_frames: images = images[0] shapes = shapes[0] if self.save_original_img: ori_imgs = ori_imgs[0] results[self.key] = images results[f'ori_{self.key}_shape'] = shapes results[f'{self.key}_channel_order'] = self.channel_order results[f'{self.key}_color_type'] = self.color_type if self.save_original_img: results[f'ori_{self.key}'] = ori_imgs return results
[文档] def _load_image(self, filename): """Load an image from file. Args: filename (str): Path of image file. Returns: np.ndarray: Image. """ if self.file_backend is None: self.file_backend = get_file_backend( uri=filename, backend_args=self.backend_args) if (self.backend_args is not None) and (self.backend_args.get( 'backend', None) == 'lmdb'): filename, _ = osp.splitext(osp.basename(filename)) if filename in self.cache: img_bytes = self.cache[filename] else: img_bytes = self.file_backend.get(filename) if self.use_cache: self.cache[filename] = img_bytes img = mmcv.imfrombytes( content=img_bytes, flag=self.color_type, channel_order=self.channel_order, backend=self.imdecode_backend) return img
[文档] def _convert(self, img: np.ndarray): """Convert an image to the require format. Args: img (np.ndarray): The original image. Returns: np.ndarray: The converted image. """ if self.to_y_channel: if self.channel_order.lower() == 'rgb': img = mmcv.rgb2ycbcr(img, y_only=True) elif self.channel_order.lower() == 'bgr': img = mmcv.bgr2ycbcr(img, y_only=True) else: raise ValueError('Currently support only "bgr2ycbcr" or ' '"bgr2ycbcr".') if img.ndim == 2: img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=2) if self.to_float32: img = img.astype(np.float32) return img
[文档] def __repr__(self): repr_str = (f'{self.__class__.__name__}(' f'key={self.key}, ' f'color_type={self.color_type}, ' f'channel_order={self.channel_order}, ' f'imdecode_backend={self.imdecode_backend}, ' f'use_cache={self.use_cache}, ' f'to_float32={self.to_float32}, ' f'to_y_channel={self.to_y_channel}, ' f'save_original_img={self.save_original_img}, ' f'backend_args={self.backend_args})') return repr_str
[文档]class LoadMask(BaseTransform): """Load Mask for multiple types. For different types of mask, users need to provide the corresponding config dict. Example config for bbox: .. code-block:: python config = dict(img_shape=(256, 256), max_bbox_shape=128) Example config for irregular: .. code-block:: python config = dict( img_shape=(256, 256), num_vertices=(4, 12), max_angle=4., length_range=(10, 100), brush_width=(10, 40), area_ratio_range=(0.15, 0.5)) Example config for ff: .. code-block:: python config = dict( img_shape=(256, 256), num_vertices=(4, 12), mean_angle=1.2, angle_range=0.4, brush_width=(12, 40)) Example config for set: .. code-block:: python config = dict( mask_list_file='xxx/xxx/ooxx.txt', prefix='/xxx/xxx/ooxx/', io_backend='local', color_type='unchanged', file_client_kwargs=dict() ) The mask_list_file contains the list of mask file name like this: test1.jpeg test2.jpeg ... ... The prefix gives the data path. Args: mask_mode (str): Mask mode in ['bbox', 'irregular', 'ff', 'set', 'file']. Default: 'bbox'. * bbox: square bounding box masks. * irregular: irregular holes. * ff: free-form holes from DeepFillv2. * set: randomly get a mask from a mask set. * file: get mask from 'mask_path' in results. mask_config (dict): Params for creating masks. Each type of mask needs different configs. Default: None. """ def __init__(self, mask_mode='bbox', mask_config=None): self.mask_mode = mask_mode self.mask_config = dict() if mask_config is None else mask_config assert isinstance(self.mask_config, dict) # set init info if needed in some modes self._init_info()
[文档] def _init_info(self): if self.mask_mode == 'set': # get mask list information self.io_backend = self.mask_config['io_backend'] self.color_type = self.mask_config['color_type'] self.file_prefix = self.mask_config['prefix'] self.file_client_kwargs = self.mask_config['file_client_kwargs'] self.file_backend = None mask_list_file = self.mask_config['mask_list_file'] self.mask_list = list_from_file( mask_list_file, backend_args=self.file_client_kwargs) self.mask_list = [ osp.join(self.file_prefix, i) for i in self.mask_list ] self.mask_set_size = len(self.mask_list) elif self.mask_mode == 'file': self.io_backend = 'local' self.color_type = 'unchanged' self.file_client_kwargs = dict() self.file_backend = None
[文档] def _get_random_mask_from_set(self): if self.file_backend is None: self.file_backend = get_file_backend( backend_args={'backend': self.io_backend}) # minus 1 to avoid out of range error mask_idx = np.random.randint(0, self.mask_set_size) mask_bytes = self.file_backend.get(self.mask_list[mask_idx]) mask = mmcv.imfrombytes(mask_bytes, flag=self.color_type) # HWC, BGR if mask.ndim == 2: mask = np.expand_dims(mask, axis=2) else: mask = mask[:, :, 0:1] mask[mask > 0] = 1. return mask
[文档] def _get_mask_from_file(self, path): if self.file_backend is None: backend_args = self.file_client_kwargs.copy() backend_args['backend'] = self.io_backend self.file_backend = get_file_backend(backend_args=backend_args) mask_bytes = self.file_backend.get(path) mask = mmcv.imfrombytes(mask_bytes, flag=self.color_type) # HWC, BGR if mask.ndim == 2: mask = np.expand_dims(mask, axis=2) else: mask = mask[:, :, 0:1] mask[mask > 0] = 1. return mask
[文档] def transform(self, results): """transform function. Args: results (dict): A dict containing the necessary information and data for augmentation. Returns: dict: A dict containing the processed data and information. """ if self.mask_mode == 'bbox': mask_bbox = random_bbox(**self.mask_config) mask = bbox2mask(self.mask_config['img_shape'], mask_bbox) results['mask_bbox'] = mask_bbox elif self.mask_mode == 'irregular': mask = get_irregular_mask(**self.mask_config) elif self.mask_mode == 'set': mask = self._get_random_mask_from_set() elif self.mask_mode == 'ff': mask = brush_stroke_mask(**self.mask_config) elif self.mask_mode == 'file': mask = self._get_mask_from_file(results['mask_path']) else: raise NotImplementedError( f'Mask mode {self.mask_mode} has not been implemented.') results['mask'] = mask return results
[文档] def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + f"(mask_mode='{self.mask_mode}')"
[文档]class GetSpatialDiscountMask(BaseTransform): """Get spatial discounting mask constant. Spatial discounting mask is first introduced in: Generative Image Inpainting with Contextual Attention. Args: gamma (float, optional): Gamma for computing spatial discounting. Defaults to 0.99. beta (float, optional): Beta for computing spatial discounting. Defaults to 1.5. """ def __init__(self, gamma=0.99, beta=1.5): self.gamma = gamma self.beta = beta
[文档] def spatial_discount_mask(self, mask_width, mask_height): """Generate spatial discounting mask constant. Args: mask_width (int): The width of bbox hole. mask_height (int): The height of bbox height. Returns: np.ndarray: Spatial discounting mask. """ w, h = np.meshgrid(np.arange(mask_width), np.arange(mask_height)) grid_stack = np.stack([h, w], axis=2) mask_values = (self.gamma**(np.minimum( grid_stack, [mask_height - 1, mask_width - 1] - grid_stack) * self.beta)).max( axis=2, keepdims=True) return mask_values
[文档] def transform(self, results): """transform function. Args: results (dict): A dict containing the necessary information and data for augmentation. Returns: dict: A dict containing the processed data and information. """ mask_bbox = results['mask_bbox'] mask = results['mask'] mask_height, mask_width = mask_bbox[-2:] discount_hole = self.spatial_discount_mask(mask_width, mask_height) discount_mask = np.zeros_like(mask) discount_mask[mask_bbox[0]:mask_bbox[0] + mask_height, mask_bbox[1]:mask_bbox[1] + mask_width, ...] = discount_hole results['discount_mask'] = discount_mask return results
[文档] def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + (f'(gamma={self.gamma}, '
f'beta={self.beta})') @TRANSFORMS.register_module()
[文档]class LoadPairedImageFromFile(LoadImageFromFile): """Load a pair of images from file. Each sample contains a pair of images, which are concatenated in the w dimension (a|b). This is a special loading class for generation paired dataset. It loads a pair of images as the common loader does and crops it into two images with the same shape in different domains. Required key is "pair_path". Added or modified keys are "pair", "pair_ori_shape", "ori_pair", "img_{domain_a}", "img_{domain_b}", "img_{domain_a}_path", "img_{domain_b}_path", "img_{domain_a}_ori_shape", "img_{domain_b}_ori_shape", "ori_img_{domain_a}" and "ori_img_{domain_b}". Args: key (str): Keys in results to find corresponding path. domain_a (str, Optional): One of the paired image domain. Defaults to 'A'. domain_b (str, Optional): The other of the paired image domain. Defaults to 'B'. color_type (str): The flag argument for :func:``mmcv.imfrombytes``. Defaults to 'color'. channel_order (str): Order of channel, candidates are 'bgr' and 'rgb'. Default: 'bgr'. imdecode_backend (str): The image decoding backend type. The backend argument for :func:``mmcv.imfrombytes``. See :func:``mmcv.imfrombytes`` for details. candidates are 'cv2', 'turbojpeg', 'pillow', and 'tifffile'. Defaults to None. use_cache (bool): If True, load all images at once. Default: False. to_float32 (bool): Whether to convert the loaded image to a float32 numpy array. If set to False, the loaded image is an uint8 array. Defaults to False. to_y_channel (bool): Whether to convert the loaded image to y channel. Only support 'rgb2ycbcr' and 'rgb2ycbcr' Defaults to False. backend_args (dict, optional): Arguments to instantiate the prefix of uri corresponding backend. Defaults to None. io_backend (str, optional): io backend where images are store. Defaults to None. """ def __init__(self, key: str, domain_a: str = 'A', domain_b: str = 'B', color_type: str = 'color', channel_order: str = 'bgr', imdecode_backend: Optional[str] = None, use_cache: bool = False, to_float32: bool = False, to_y_channel: bool = False, save_original_img: bool = False, backend_args: Optional[dict] = None): super().__init__(key, color_type, channel_order, imdecode_backend, use_cache, to_float32, to_y_channel, save_original_img, backend_args) assert isinstance(domain_a, str) assert isinstance(domain_b, str) self.domain_a = domain_a self.domain_b = domain_b
[文档] def transform(self, results: dict) -> dict: """Functions to load paired images. Args: results (dict): A dict containing the necessary information and data for augmentation. Returns: dict: A dict containing the processed data and information. """ filename = results[f'{self.key}_path'] image = self._load_image(filename) image = self._convert(image) if self.save_original_img: ori_image = image.copy() shape = image.shape # crop pair into a and b w = shape[1] if w % 2 != 0: raise ValueError( f'The width of image pair must be even number, but got {w}.') new_w = w // 2 image_a = image[:, :new_w, :] image_b = image[:, new_w:, :] results[f'img_{self.domain_a}'] = image_a results[f'img_{self.domain_b}'] = image_b results[f'img_{self.domain_a}_path'] = filename results[f'img_{self.domain_b}_path'] = filename results[f'img_{self.domain_a}_ori_shape'] = image_a.shape results[f'img_{self.domain_b}_ori_shape'] = image_b.shape if self.save_original_img: results[f'ori_img_{self.domain_a}'] = image_a.copy() results[f'ori_img_{self.domain_b}'] = image_b.copy() results[self.key] = image results[f'ori_{self.key}_shape'] = shape results[f'{self.key}_channel_order'] = self.channel_order results[f'{self.key}_color_type'] = self.color_type if self.save_original_img: results[f'ori_{self.key}'] = ori_image return results
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