
mmagic.models.archs.lora 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import re
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Union

import torch.nn as nn
from mmengine import print_log
from torch import Tensor

[文档]class LoRALinear(nn.Module): """Linear layer for LoRA. Args: in_feat (int): Number of input features. out_feat (int): Number of output features. rank (int): The rank of LoRA. """ def __init__(self, in_feat: int, out_feat: int, rank: int = 4): super().__init__() self.rank = rank assert rank < min(in_feat, out_feat) self.down = nn.Linear(in_feat, rank, bias=False) self.up = nn.Linear(rank, out_feat, bias=False) nn.init.normal_(self.down.weight, std=1 / rank) nn.init.zeros_(self.up.weight)
[文档] def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: ori_type = x.dtype dtype = self.down.weight.dtype out = self.down( out = self.up(out) return
[文档]class LoRAWrapper(nn.Module): """Wrapper for LoRA layer. Args: module (nn.Module): The module to be wrapped. in_feat (int): Number of input features. out_feat (int): Number of output features. rank (int): The rank of LoRA. scale (float): The scale of LoRA feature. names (Union[str, List[str]], optional): The name of LoRA layers. If you want to add multi LoRA for one module, names for each LoRA mapping must be defined. """ def __init__(self, module: nn.Module, in_feat: int, out_feat: int, rank: int, scale: float = 1, names: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None): super().__init__() # NOTE: LoRA for linear layer, LoCON will coming soon~ assert isinstance( module, nn.Linear), ('Only Support LoRA for linear layer currently. ' 'LoCON will coming soon~') self.wrapped = module if names is not None: # set a list of LoRAs if not isinstance(names, list): names = [names] if isinstance(rank, list): assert len(rank) == len(names) else: rank = [rank] * len(names) if isinstance(scale, list): assert len(scale) == len(names) else: scale = [scale] * len(names) self.names = names self.lora_mapping = dict() self.scale = dict() self.enable = dict() self.rank = dict() for n, r, s in zip(names, rank, scale): self.lora_mapping[n] = LoRALinear(in_feat, out_feat, r) self.scale_dict[n] = s self.enable[n] = True self.rank[n] = r self.lora_mapping = nn.ModuleDict(self.lora_mapping) else: # set single LoRA self.names = None self.lora_mapping = LoRALinear(in_feat, out_feat, rank) self.scale = scale self.enable = True self.rank = rank self.in_feat, self.out_feat = in_feat, out_feat
[文档] def add_lora(self, name: str, rank: int, scale: float = 1, state_dict: Optional[dict] = None): """Add LoRA mapping. Args: name (str): The name of added LoRA. rank (int): The rank of added LoRA. scale (float, optional): The scale of added LoRA. Defaults to 1. state_dict (dict, optional): The state dict of added LoRA. Defaults to None. """ mapping_to_add = LoRALinear(self.in_feat, self.out_feat, rank) if state_dict is not None: mapping_to_add.load_state_dict(mapping_to_add) # move to device and type if isinstance(self.names, list): self.names.append(name) self.lora_mapping[name] = mapping_to_add self.scale[name] = scale self.enable[name] = True self.rank[name] = rank else: self.names = ['orig', name] self.lora_mapping = nn.ModuleDict({ 'orig': self.lora_mapping, name: mapping_to_add }) self.scale = {'orig': self.scale, name: scale} self.enable = {'orig': self.enable, name: True} self.rank = {'orig': self.rank, name: rank} print_log( 'The original LoRA mapping do not have name, ' 'save as \'orig\'.', 'current') print_log(f'Add LoRA \'{name}\' with rank {rank} and scale {scale}.', 'current')
[文档] def _set_value(self, attr_name: str, value: Any, name: Optional[str] = None): """Set value of attribute. Args: attr_name (str): The name of attribute to be set value. value (Any): The value to be set. name (str, optional): The name of field in `attr_name`. If passed, will set value to `attr_name[name]`. Defaults to None. """ attr = getattr(self, attr_name) if isinstance(attr, dict): if name is None: attr = {k: value for k in self.names} print_log(f'Set all value in \'{attr_name}\' as \'{value}\'.', 'current') else: attr[name] = value print_log(f'Set \'{attr_name}[{name}]\' as \'{value}\'.', 'current') else: attr = value print_log(f'Set \'{attr_name}\' as \'{value}\'.', 'current') setattr(self, attr_name, attr)
[文档] def set_scale(self, scale: float, name: Optional[str] = None): """Set LoRA scale. Args: scale (float): The scale to be set. name (str, optional): The name of LoRA to be set. Defaults to None. """ self._set_value('scale', scale, name)
[文档] def set_enable(self, name: Optional[str] = None): """Enable LoRA for the current layer. Args: name (str, optional): The name of LoRA to be set. Defaults to None. """ self._set_value('enable', True, name)
[文档] def set_disable(self, name: Optional[str] = None): """Disable LoRA for the current layer. Args: name (str, optional): The name of LoRA to be set. Defaults to None. """ self._set_value('enable', False, name)
[文档] def forward_lora_mapping(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Forward LoRA mapping. Args: x (Tensor): The input tensor. Returns: Tensor: The output tensor. """ mapping_out = 0 if isinstance(self.lora_mapping, dict): for name in self.names: scale = self.scale[name] mapping_layer = self.lora_mapping[name] enable = self.enable[name] if enable: mapping_out = scale * mapping_layer(x) else: if self.enable: mapping_out = self.scale * self.lora_mapping(x) return mapping_out
[文档] def forward(self, x: Tensor, *args, **kwargs) -> Tensor: """Forward and add LoRA mapping. Args: x (Tensor): The input tensor. Returns: Tensor: The output tensor. """ mapping_out = self.forward_lora_mapping(x) return mapping_out + self.wrapped(x)
[文档] def wrap_lora(cls, module, rank=4, scale=1, names=None, state_dict=None): """Wrap LoRA. Use case: >>> linear = nn.Linear(2, 4) >>> lora_linear = LoRAWrapper.wrap_lora(linear, 4, 1) Args: module (nn.Module): The module to add LoRA. rank (int): The rank for LoRA. scale (float): Returns: LoRAWrapper: """ assert isinstance(module, nn.Linear), 'Only support LoRA for Linear Layer' in_feat = module.weight.shape[1] out_feat = module.weight.shape[0] lora = LoRAWrapper(module, in_feat, out_feat, rank, scale, names) return lora
[文档]def replace_module(parent_module: nn.Module, child_name: str, new_module: nn.Module): """Replace module in parent module.""" setattr(parent_module, child_name, new_module)
[文档]def get_submodule(module: nn.Module, key: str): """Get submodule by key.""" target_name = key.split('.')[-1] parent = module.get_submodule('.'.join(key.split('.')[:-1])) target = module.get_submodule(key) return parent, target, target_name
[文档]def set_lora(module: nn.Module, config: dict, verbose: bool = True) -> nn.Module: """Set LoRA for module. Use case: >>> 1. set all lora with same parameters >>> lora_config = dict( >>> rank=4, >>> scale=1, >>> target_modules=['to_q', 'to_k', 'to_v']) >>> 2. set lora with different parameters >>> lora_config = dict( >>> rank=4, >>> scale=1, >>> target_modules=[ >>> # set `to_q` the default parameters >>> 'to_q', >>> # set `to_k` the defined parameters >>> dict(target_module='to_k', rank=8, scale=1), >>> # set `to_v` the defined `rank` and default `scale` >>> dict(target_module='to_v', rank=16) >>> ]) Args: module (nn.Module): The module to set LoRA. config (dict): The config dict. verbose (bool): Whether to print log. Defaults to True. """ default_rank = config.get('rank', 4) default_scale = config.get('scale', 1) target_modules = config['target_modules'] if not isinstance(target_modules, list): target_modules = [target_modules] keys = [k for k, _ in module.named_modules()] for k in keys: for target_module in target_modules: if isinstance(target_module, str): module_name = target_module rank = default_rank scale = default_scale # pretrained_path = None elif isinstance(target_module, dict): module_name = target_module['target_module'] rank = target_module.get('rank', default_rank) scale = target_module.get('scale', default_scale) # pretrained_path = target_module.get('pretrained_path', None) else: raise TypeError('Only support dict or string type for ' 'target_modules') # match keys if re.fullmatch(module_name, k): if verbose: print_log( f'Set LoRA for \'{k}\' with ' f'regularization expression match \'{module_name}\'.', 'current') elif k.endswith(module_name): if verbose: print_log( f'Set LoRA for \'{k}\' with ' f'suffix match \'{module_name}\'.', 'current') else: continue parent, target, target_name = get_submodule(module, k) new_module = LoRAWrapper.wrap_lora(target, rank=rank, scale=scale) replace_module(parent, target_name, new_module) return module
[文档]def set_only_lora_trainable(module: nn.Module) -> nn.Module: """Set only LoRA modules trainable.""" for n, m in module.named_children(): if isinstance(m, LoRAWrapper): m.lora_mapping.requires_grad_(True) elif isinstance(m, nn.Module): m.requires_grad_(False) set_only_lora_trainable(m) return module
[文档]def set_lora_enable(module: nn.Module) -> nn.Module: """Enable LoRA modules.""" for n, m in module.named_children(): if isinstance(m, LoRAWrapper): m.set_enable() elif isinstance(m, nn.Module): set_lora_enable(m) return module
[文档]def set_lora_disable(module: nn.Module) -> nn.Module: """Disable LoRA modules.""" for n, m in module.named_children(): if isinstance(m, LoRAWrapper): m.set_disable() elif isinstance(m, nn.Module): set_lora_disable(m) return module
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