
mmagic.models.archs.patch_disc 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from typing import Optional

import torch.nn as nn
from mmcv.cnn import ConvModule, build_conv_layer
from mmengine.model import BaseModule
from torch import Tensor

from mmagic.models.utils import generation_init_weights
from mmagic.registry import MODELS

[文档]class PatchDiscriminator(BaseModule): """A PatchGAN discriminator. Args: in_channels (int): Number of channels in input images. base_channels (int): Number of channels at the first conv layer. Default: 64. num_conv (int): Number of stacked intermediate convs (excluding input and output conv). Default: 3. norm_cfg (dict): Config dict to build norm layer. Default: `dict(type='BN')`. init_cfg (dict): Config dict for initialization. `type`: The name of our initialization method. Default: 'normal'. `gain`: Scaling factor for normal, xavier and orthogonal. Default: 0.02. """ def __init__(self, in_channels: int, base_channels: int = 64, num_conv: int = 3, norm_cfg: dict = dict(type='BN'), init_cfg: Optional[dict] = dict(type='normal', gain=0.02)): super().__init__(init_cfg=init_cfg) assert isinstance(norm_cfg, dict), ("'norm_cfg' should be dict, but" f'got {type(norm_cfg)}') assert 'type' in norm_cfg, "'norm_cfg' must have key 'type'" # We use norm layers in the patch discriminator. # Only for IN, use bias since it does not have affine parameters. use_bias = norm_cfg['type'] == 'IN' kernel_size = 4 padding = 1 # input layer sequence = [ ConvModule( in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=base_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=2, padding=padding, bias=True, norm_cfg=None, act_cfg=dict(type='LeakyReLU', negative_slope=0.2)) ] # stacked intermediate layers, # gradually increasing the number of filters multiple_now = 1 multiple_prev = 1 for n in range(1, num_conv): multiple_prev = multiple_now multiple_now = min(2**n, 8) sequence += [ ConvModule( in_channels=base_channels * multiple_prev, out_channels=base_channels * multiple_now, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=2, padding=padding, bias=use_bias, norm_cfg=norm_cfg, act_cfg=dict(type='LeakyReLU', negative_slope=0.2)) ] multiple_prev = multiple_now multiple_now = min(2**num_conv, 8) sequence += [ ConvModule( in_channels=base_channels * multiple_prev, out_channels=base_channels * multiple_now, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=1, padding=padding, bias=use_bias, norm_cfg=norm_cfg, act_cfg=dict(type='LeakyReLU', negative_slope=0.2)) ] # output one-channel prediction map sequence += [ build_conv_layer( dict(type='Conv2d'), base_channels * multiple_now, 1, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=1, padding=padding) ] self.model = nn.Sequential(*sequence) self.init_type = 'normal' if init_cfg is None else init_cfg.get( 'type', 'normal') self.init_gain = 0.02 if init_cfg is None else init_cfg.get( 'gain', 0.02)
[文档] def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Forward function. Args: x (Tensor): Input tensor with shape (n, c, h, w). Returns: Tensor: Forward results. """ return self.model(x)
[文档] def init_weights(self) -> None: """Initialize weights for the model. Args: pretrained (str, optional): Path for pretrained weights. If given None, pretrained weights will not be loaded. Default: None. """ if self.init_cfg is None and self.init_cfg['type'] == 'Pretrained': super().init_weights() return generation_init_weights( self, init_type=self.init_type, init_gain=self.init_gain) self._is_init = True
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