
mmagic.models.base_models.base_conditional_gan 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from mmengine import Config
from mmengine.optim import OptimWrapper
from torch import Tensor

from mmagic.structures import DataSample
from mmagic.utils.typing import ForwardInputs, LabelVar
from ..utils import get_valid_num_batches, label_sample_fn
from .base_gan import BaseGAN

[文档]ModelType = Union[Dict, nn.Module]
[文档]class BaseConditionalGAN(BaseGAN): """Base class for Conditional GAM models. Args: generator (ModelType): The config or model of the generator. discriminator (Optional[ModelType]): The config or model of the discriminator. Defaults to None. data_preprocessor (Optional[Union[dict, Config]]): The pre-process config or :class:`~mmagic.models.DataPreprocessor`. generator_steps (int): The number of times the generator is completely updated before the discriminator is updated. Defaults to 1. discriminator_steps (int): The number of times the discriminator is completely updated before the generator is updated. Defaults to 1. noise_size (Optional[int]): Size of the input noise vector. Default to None. num_classes (Optional[int]): The number classes you would like to generate. Defaults to None. ema_config (Optional[Dict]): The config for generator's exponential moving average setting. Defaults to None. """ def __init__(self, generator: ModelType, discriminator: Optional[ModelType] = None, data_preprocessor: Optional[Union[dict, Config]] = None, generator_steps: int = 1, discriminator_steps: int = 1, noise_size: Optional[int] = None, num_classes: Optional[int] = None, ema_config: Optional[Dict] = None, loss_config: Optional[Dict] = None): self.num_classes = self._get_valid_num_classes(num_classes, generator, discriminator) super().__init__(generator, discriminator, data_preprocessor, generator_steps, discriminator_steps, noise_size, ema_config, loss_config)
[文档] def label_fn(self, label: LabelVar = None, num_batches: int = 1) -> Tensor: """Sampling function for label. There are three scenarios in this function: - If `label` is a callable function, sample `num_batches` of labels with passed `label`. - If `label` is `None`, sample `num_batches` of labels in range of `[0, self.num_classes-1]` uniformly. - If `label` is a `torch.Tensor`, check the range of the tensor is in `[0, self.num_classes-1]`. If all values are in valid range, directly return `label`. Args: label (Union[Tensor, Callable, List[int], None]): You can directly give a batch of label through a ``torch.Tensor`` or offer a callable function to sample a batch of label data. Otherwise, the ``None`` indicates to use the default label sampler. Defaults to `None`. num_batches (int, optional): The number of batches label want to sample. If `label` is a Tensor, this will be ignored. Defaults to 1. Returns: Tensor: Sampled label tensor. """ return label_sample_fn( label=label, num_batches=num_batches, num_classes=self.num_classes, device=self.device)
[文档] def data_sample_to_label(self, data_sample: DataSample ) -> Optional[torch.Tensor]: """Get labels from input `data_sample` and pack to `torch.Tensor`. If no label is found in the passed `data_sample`, `None` would be returned. Args: data_sample (DataSample): Input data samples. Returns: Optional[torch.Tensor]: Packed label tensor. """ # assume all data_sample have the same data fields if not data_sample or 'gt_label' not in data_sample.keys(): return None gt_labels = data_sample.gt_label.label return gt_labels
[文档] def _get_valid_num_classes(num_classes: Optional[int], generator: ModelType, discriminator: Optional[ModelType]) -> int: """Try to get the value of `num_classes` from input, `generator` and `discriminator` and check the consistency of these values. If no conflict is found, return the `num_classes`. Args: num_classes (Optional[int]): `num_classes` passed to `BaseConditionalGAN_refactor`'s initialize function. generator (ModelType): The config or the model of generator. discriminator (Optional[ModelType]): The config or model of discriminator. Returns: int: The number of classes to be generated. """ if isinstance(generator, dict): num_classes_gen = generator.get('num_classes', None) else: num_classes_gen = getattr(generator, 'num_classes', None) num_classes_disc = None if discriminator is not None: if isinstance(discriminator, dict): num_classes_disc = discriminator.get('num_classes', None) else: num_classes_disc = getattr(discriminator, 'num_classes', None) # check consistency between gen and disc if num_classes_gen is not None and num_classes_disc is not None: assert num_classes_disc == num_classes_gen, ( '\'num_classes\' is inconsistent between generator and ' f'discriminator. Receive \'{num_classes_gen}\' and ' f'\'{num_classes_disc}\'.') model_num_classes = num_classes_gen or num_classes_disc if num_classes is not None and model_num_classes is not None: assert num_classes == model_num_classes, ( 'Input \'num_classes\' is inconsistent with ' f'model\'s ones. Receive \'{num_classes}\' and ' f'\'{model_num_classes}\'.') num_classes = num_classes or model_num_classes return num_classes
[文档] def forward(self, inputs: ForwardInputs, data_samples: Optional[list] = None, mode: Optional[str] = None) -> List[DataSample]: """Sample images with the given inputs. If forward mode is 'ema' or 'orig', the image generated by corresponding generator will be returned. If forward mode is 'ema/orig', images generated by original generator and EMA generator will both be returned in a dict. Args: inputs (ForwardInputs): Dict containing the necessary information (e.g. noise, num_batches, mode) to generate image. data_samples (Optional[list]): Data samples collated by :attr:`data_preprocessor`. Defaults to None. mode (Optional[str]): `mode` is not used in :class:`BaseConditionalGAN`. Defaults to None. Returns: List[DataSample]: Generated images or image dict. """ if isinstance(inputs, Tensor): noise = inputs sample_kwargs = {} else: noise = inputs.get('noise', None) num_batches = get_valid_num_batches(inputs, data_samples) noise = self.noise_fn(noise, num_batches=num_batches) sample_kwargs = inputs.get('sample_kwargs', dict()) num_batches = noise.shape[0] labels = self.data_sample_to_label(data_samples) if labels is None: labels = self.label_fn(num_batches=num_batches) sample_model = self._get_valid_model(inputs) batch_sample_list = [] if sample_model in ['ema', 'orig']: if sample_model == 'ema': generator = self.generator_ema else: generator = self.generator outputs = generator(noise, label=labels, return_noise=False) outputs = self.data_preprocessor.destruct(outputs, data_samples) gen_sample = DataSample() if data_samples: gen_sample.update(data_samples) if isinstance(inputs, dict) and 'img' in inputs: gen_sample.gt_img = inputs['img'] gen_sample.fake_img = outputs gen_sample.noise = noise gen_sample.set_gt_label(labels) gen_sample.sample_kwargs = deepcopy(sample_kwargs) gen_sample.sample_model = sample_model batch_sample_list = gen_sample.split(allow_nonseq_value=True) else: # sample model in 'ema/orig' outputs_orig = self.generator( noise, label=labels, return_noise=False, **sample_kwargs) outputs_ema = self.generator_ema( noise, label=labels, return_noise=False, **sample_kwargs) outputs_orig = self.data_preprocessor.destruct( outputs_orig, data_samples) outputs_ema = self.data_preprocessor.destruct( outputs_ema, data_samples) gen_sample = DataSample() if data_samples: gen_sample.update(data_samples) if isinstance(inputs, dict) and 'img' in inputs: gen_sample.gt_img = inputs['img'] gen_sample.ema = DataSample(fake_img=outputs_ema) gen_sample.orig = DataSample(fake_img=outputs_orig) gen_sample.noise = noise gen_sample.set_gt_label(labels) gen_sample.sample_kwargs = deepcopy(sample_kwargs) gen_sample.sample_model = 'ema/orig' batch_sample_list = gen_sample.split(allow_nonseq_value=True) return batch_sample_list
[文档] def train_generator(self, inputs: dict, data_samples: List[DataSample], optimizer_wrapper: OptimWrapper) -> Dict[str, Tensor]: """Training function for discriminator. All GANs should implement this function by themselves. Args: inputs (dict): Inputs from dataloader. data_samples (List[DataSample]): Data samples from dataloader. optim_wrapper (OptimWrapper): OptimWrapper instance used to update model parameters. Returns: Dict[str, Tensor]: A ``dict`` of tensor for logging. """ num_batches = inputs['img'].shape[0] noise = self.noise_fn(num_batches=num_batches) fake_labels = self.label_fn(num_batches=num_batches) fake_imgs = self.generator( noise=noise, label=fake_labels, return_noise=False) disc_pred_fake = self.discriminator(fake_imgs, label=fake_labels) data_dict_ = dict( gen=self.generator, disc=self.discriminator, fake_imgs=fake_imgs, disc_pred_fake_g=disc_pred_fake, # iteration=curr_iter, batch_size=num_batches, fake_label=fake_labels, loss_scaler=getattr(optimizer_wrapper, 'loss_scaler', None)) parsed_loss, log_vars = self._get_gen_loss(data_dict_) optimizer_wrapper.update_params(parsed_loss) return log_vars
[文档] def train_discriminator(self, inputs: dict, data_samples: List[DataSample], optimizer_wrapper: OptimWrapper ) -> Dict[str, Tensor]: """Training function for discriminator. All GANs should implement this function by themselves. Args: inputs (dict): Inputs from dataloader. data_samples (List[DataSample]): Data samples from dataloader. optim_wrapper (OptimWrapper): OptimWrapper instance used to update model parameters. Returns: Dict[str, Tensor]: A ``dict`` of tensor for logging. """ real_imgs = inputs['img'] real_labels = self.data_sample_to_label(data_samples) assert real_labels is not None, ( 'Cannot found \'gt_label\' in \'data_sample\'.') num_batches = real_imgs.shape[0] noise_batch = self.noise_fn(num_batches=num_batches) fake_labels = self.label_fn(num_batches=num_batches) with torch.no_grad(): fake_imgs = self.generator( noise=noise_batch, label=fake_labels, return_noise=False) disc_pred_fake = self.discriminator(fake_imgs, label=fake_labels) disc_pred_real = self.discriminator(real_imgs, label=real_labels) data_dict_ = dict( gen=self.generator, disc=self.discriminator, disc_pred_fake=disc_pred_fake, disc_pred_real=disc_pred_real, fake_imgs=fake_imgs, real_imgs=real_imgs, # iteration=curr_iter, batch_size=num_batches, gt_label=real_labels, fake_label=fake_labels, loss_scaler=setattr(optimizer_wrapper, 'loss_scaler', None)) loss, log_vars = self._get_disc_loss(data_dict_) optimizer_wrapper.update_params(loss) return log_vars
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