
mmagic.structures.data_sample 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from collections import abc
from copy import deepcopy
from itertools import chain
from numbers import Number
from typing import Any, Sequence, Union

import mmengine
import numpy as np
import torch
from mmengine.structures import BaseDataElement, LabelData

from mmagic.utils import all_to_tensor

[文档]def format_label(value: Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, Sequence, int], num_classes: int = None) -> LabelData: """Convert label of various python types to :obj:`mmengine.LabelData`. Supported types are: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, :class:`torch.Tensor`, :class:`Sequence`, :class:`int`. Args: value (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray | Sequence | int): Label value. num_classes (int, optional): The number of classes. If not None, set it to the metainfo. Defaults to None. Returns: :obj:`mmengine.LabelData`: The formatted label data. """ # Handle single number if isinstance(value, (torch.Tensor, np.ndarray)) and value.ndim == 0: value = int(value.item()) if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): value = torch.from_numpy(value) elif isinstance(value, Sequence) and not mmengine.is_str(value): value = torch.tensor(value) elif isinstance(value, int): value = torch.LongTensor([value]) elif not isinstance(value, torch.Tensor): raise TypeError(f'Type {type(value)} is not an available label type.') metainfo = {} if num_classes is not None: metainfo['num_classes'] = num_classes if value.max() >= num_classes: raise ValueError(f'The label data ({value}) should not ' f'exceed num_classes ({num_classes}).') label = LabelData(label=value, metainfo=metainfo) return label
[文档]def is_splitable_var(var: Any) -> bool: """Check whether input is a splitable variable. Args: var (Any): The input variable to check. Returns: bool: Whether input variable is a splitable variable. """ if isinstance(var, DataSample): return True if isinstance(var, torch.Tensor): return True if isinstance(var, np.ndarray): return True if isinstance(var, abc.Sequence) and not isinstance(var, str): return True return False
[文档]class DataSample(BaseDataElement): """A data structure interface of MMagic. They are used as interfaces between different components, e.g., model, visualizer, evaluator, etc. Typically, DataSample contains all the information and data from ground- truth and predictions. `DataSample` inherits from `BaseDataElement`. See more details in: Specifically, an instance of BaseDataElement consists of two components, - ``metainfo``, which contains some meta information, e.g., `img_shape`, `img_id`, `color_order`, etc. - ``data``, which contains the data used in the loop. The attributes in ``DataSample`` are divided into several parts: - ``gt_img``: Ground truth image(s). - ``pred_img``: Image(s) of model predictions. - ``ref_img``: Reference image(s). - ``mask``: Mask in Inpainting. - ``trimap``: Trimap in Matting. - ``gt_alpha``: Ground truth alpha image in Matting. - ``pred_alpha``: Predicted alpha image in Matting. - ``gt_fg``: Ground truth foreground image in Matting. - ``pred_fg``: Predicted foreground image in Matting. - ``gt_bg``: Ground truth background image in Matting. - ``pred_bg``: Predicted background image in Matting. - ``gt_merged``: Ground truth merged image in Matting. Examples:: >>> import torch >>> import numpy as np >>> from mmagic.structures import DataSample >>> img_meta = dict(img_shape=(800, 1196, 3)) >>> img = torch.rand((3, 800, 1196)) >>> data_sample = DataSample(gt_img=img, metainfo=img_meta) >>> assert 'img_shape' in data_sample.metainfo_keys() >>> data_sample <DataSample( META INFORMATION img_shape: (800, 1196, 3) DATA FIELDS gt_img: tensor(...) ) at 0x1f6a5a99a00> We also support `stack` and `split` operation to handle a batch of data samples: >>> import torch >>> import numpy as np >>> from mmagic.structures import DataSample >>> img_meta1 = img_meta2 = dict(img_shape=(800, 1196, 3)) >>> img1 = torch.rand((3, 800, 1196)) >>> img2 = torch.rand((3, 800, 1196)) >>> data_sample1 = DataSample(gt_img=img1, metainfo=img_meta1) >>> data_sample2 = DataSample(gt_img=img2, metainfo=img_meta1) >>> # stack them and then use as batched-tensor! >>> data_sample = DataSample.stack([data_sample1, data_sample2]) >>> print(data_sample.gt_img.shape) torch.Size([2, 3, 800, 1196]) >>> print(data_sample.metainfo) {'img_shape': [(800, 1196, 3), (800, 1196, 3)]} >>> # split them if you want >>> data_sample1_, data_sample2_ = data_sample.split() >>> assert (data_sample1_.gt_img == img1).all() >>> assert (data_sample2_.gt_img == img2).all() """ # source_key_in_results: target_key_in_metainfo
[文档] META_KEYS = { 'img_path': 'img_path', 'gt_path': 'gt_path', 'merged_path': 'merged_path', 'trimap_path': 'trimap_path', 'ori_shape': 'ori_shape', 'img_shape': 'img_shape', 'ori_merged_shape': 'ori_merged_shape', 'ori_trimap_shape': 'ori_trimap_shape', 'trimap_channel_order': 'trimap_channel_order', 'empty_box': 'empty_box', 'ori_img_shape': 'ori_img_shape', 'ori_gt_shape': 'ori_gt_shape', 'img_channel_order': 'img_channel_order', 'gt_channel_order': 'gt_channel_order', 'gt_color_type': 'gt_color_type', 'img_color_type': 'img_color_type', 'sample_idx': 'sample_idx', 'num_input_frames': 'num_input_frames', 'num_output_frames': 'num_output_frames', 'mask_bbox': 'mask_bbox', # for LIIF 'coord': 'coord', 'cell': 'cell',
} # source_key_in_results: target_key_in_datafield
[文档] DATA_KEYS = { 'gt': 'gt_img', 'gt_label': 'gt_label', 'gt_heatmap': 'gt_heatmap', 'gt_unsharp': 'gt_unsharp', 'merged': 'gt_merged', 'ori_alpha': 'ori_alpha', 'fg': 'gt_fg', 'bg': 'gt_bg', 'gt_rgb': 'gt_rgb', 'alpha': 'gt_alpha', 'img_lq': 'img_lq', 'ref': 'ref_img', 'ref_lq': 'ref_lq', 'mask': 'mask', 'trimap': 'trimap', 'gray': 'gray', 'cropped_img': 'cropped_img', 'pred_img': 'pred_img', 'ori_trimap': 'ori_trimap', # For text to images 'prompt': 'prompt', # For StyleGAN 'latent': 'latent', 'feats': 'feats'
[文档] def set_predefined_data(self, data: dict) -> None: """set or change pre-defined key-value pairs in ``data_field`` by parameter ``data``. Args: data (dict): A dict contains annotations of image or model predictions. """ metainfo = { self.META_KEYS[k]: v for (k, v) in data.items() if k in self.META_KEYS } self.set_metainfo(metainfo) data = { self.DATA_KEYS[k]: v for (k, v) in data.items() if k in self.DATA_KEYS } self.set_tensor_data(data)
[文档] def set_tensor_data(self, data: dict) -> None: """convert input data to tensor, and then set or change key-value pairs in ``data_field`` by parameter ``data``. Args: data (dict): A dict contains annotations of image or model predictions. """ assert isinstance(data, dict), f'data should be a `dict` but got {data}' for k, v in data.items(): if k == 'gt_label': self.set_gt_label(v) elif k == 'prompt': self.set_field(v, k, dtype=(str, list)) else: self.set_field(all_to_tensor(v), k, dtype=torch.Tensor)
[文档] def set_gt_label( self, value: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor, Sequence[Number], Number] ) -> 'DataSample': """Set label of ``gt_label``.""" label = format_label(value, self.get('num_classes')) if 'gt_label' in self: self.gt_label.label = label.label else: self.gt_label = label return self
[文档] def gt_label(self): """This the function to fetch gt label. Returns: LabelData: gt label. """ return self._gt_label
@gt_label.setter def gt_label(self, value: LabelData): """This is the function to set gt label. Args: value (LabelData): gt label. """ self.set_field(value, '_gt_label', dtype=LabelData) @gt_label.deleter def gt_label(self): """Delete gt label.""" del self._gt_label @classmethod
[文档] def stack(cls, data_samples: Sequence['DataSample']) -> 'DataSample': """Stack a list of data samples to one. All tensor fields will be stacked at first dimension. Otherwise the values will be saved in a list. Args: data_samples (Sequence['DataSample']): A sequence of `DataSample` to stack. Returns: DataSample: The stacked data sample. """ # 1. check key consistency keys = data_samples[0].keys() assert all([data.keys() == keys for data in data_samples]) meta_keys = data_samples[0].metainfo_keys() assert all( [data.metainfo_keys() == meta_keys for data in data_samples]) # 2. stack data stacked_data_sample = DataSample() for k in keys: values = [getattr(data, k) for data in data_samples] # 3. check type consistent value_type = type(values[0]) assert all([type(val) == value_type for val in values]) # 4. stack if isinstance(values[0], torch.Tensor): stacked_value = torch.stack(values) elif isinstance(values[0], LabelData): labels = [data.label for data in values] values = torch.stack(labels) stacked_value = LabelData(label=values) else: stacked_value = values stacked_data_sample.set_field(stacked_value, k) # 5. stack metainfo for k in meta_keys: values = [data.metainfo[k] for data in data_samples] stacked_data_sample.set_metainfo({k: values}) return stacked_data_sample
[文档] def split(self, allow_nonseq_value: bool = False) -> Sequence['DataSample']: """Split a sequence of data sample in the first dimension. Args: allow_nonseq_value (bool): Whether allow non-sequential data in split operation. If True, non-sequential data will be copied for all split data samples. Otherwise, an error will be raised. Defaults to False. Returns: Sequence[DataSample]: The list of data samples after splitting. """ # 1. split data_sample_list = [DataSample() for _ in range(len(self))] for k in self.all_keys(): stacked_value = self.get(k) if isinstance(stacked_value, torch.Tensor): # split tensor shape like (N, *shape) to N (*shape) tensors values = [v for v in stacked_value] elif isinstance(stacked_value, LabelData): # split tensor shape like (N, *shape) to N (*shape) tensors labels = [l_ for l_ in stacked_value.label] values = [LabelData(label=l_) for l_ in labels] elif isinstance(stacked_value, DataSample): values = stacked_value.split() else: if is_splitable_var(stacked_value): values = stacked_value elif allow_nonseq_value: values = [deepcopy(stacked_value)] * len(self) else: raise TypeError( f'\'{k}\' is non-sequential data and ' '\'allow_nonseq_value\' is False. Please check your ' 'data sample or set \'allow_nonseq_value\' as True ' f'to copy field \'{k}\' for all split data sample.') field = 'metainfo' if k in self.metainfo_keys() else 'data' for data, v in zip(data_sample_list, values): data.set_field(v, k, field_type=field) return data_sample_list
[文档] def __len__(self): """Get the length of the data sample.""" value_length = [] for v in chain(self.values(), self.metainfo_values()): if isinstance(v, LabelData): value_length.append(v.label.shape[0]) elif is_splitable_var(v): value_length.append(len(v)) else: continue # NOTE: If length of values are not same or the current data sample # is empty, return length as 1 if len(list(set(value_length))) != 1: return 1 length = value_length[0] return length
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