
conditional gans


  • Number of checkpoints: 18

  • Number of configs: 18

  • Number of papers: 3

    • ALGORITHM: 3

BigGAN (ICLR’2019)

Task: Conditional GANs


Despite recent progress in generative image modeling, successfully generating high-resolution, diverse samples from complex datasets such as ImageNet remains an elusive goal. To this end, we train Generative Adversarial Networks at the largest scale yet attempted, and study the instabilities specific to such scale. We find that applying orthogonal regularization to the generator renders it amenable to a simple “truncation trick,” allowing fine control over the trade-off between sample fidelity and variety by reducing the variance of the Generator’s input. Our modifications lead to models which set the new state of the art in class-conditional image synthesis. When trained on ImageNet at 128x128 resolution, our models (BigGANs) achieve an Inception Score (IS) of 166.5 and Frechet Inception Distance (FID) of 7.4, improving over the previous best IS of 52.52 and FID of 18.6.


The BigGAN/BigGAN-Deep is a conditional generation model that can generate both high-resolution and high-quality images by scaling up the batch size and the number of model parameters.

We have finished training BigGAN in Cifar10 (32x32) and are aligning training performance in ImageNet1k (128x128). Some sampled results are shown below for your reference.

Results from our BigGAN trained in CIFAR10
Results from our BigGAN trained in ImageNet

Evaluation of our trained BigGAN.

Model Dataset FID (Iter) IS (Iter) Download
BigGAN 32x32 CIFAR10 9.78(390000) 8.70(390000) model|log
BigGAN 128x128 Best FID ImageNet1k 8.69(1232000) 101.15(1232000) model|log
BigGAN 128x128 Best IS ImageNet1k 13.51(1328000) 129.07(1328000) model|log

Note on reproducibility

BigGAN 128x128 model is trained with V100 GPUs and CUDA 10.1 and can hardly reproduce the result with A100 and CUDA 11.3. If you have any idea about the reproducibility, please feel free to contact with us.

Converted weights

Since we haven’t finished training our models, we provide you with several pre-trained weights which have been evaluated. Here, we refer to BigGAN-PyTorch and pytorch-pretrained-BigGAN.

Evaluation results and download links are provided below.

Model Dataset FID IS Download Original Download link
BigGAN 128x128 ImageNet1k 10.1414 96.728 model link
BigGAN-Deep 128x128 ImageNet1k 5.9471 107.161 model link
BigGAN-Deep 256x256 ImageNet1k 11.3151 135.107 model link
BigGAN-Deep 512x512 ImageNet1k 16.8728 124.368 model link

Sampling results are shown below.

Results from our BigGAN-Deep with Pre-trained weights in ImageNet 128x128 with truncation factor 0.4
Results from our BigGAN-Deep with Pre-trained weights in ImageNet 256x256 with truncation factor 0.4
Results from our BigGAN-Deep with Pre-trained weights in ImageNet 512x512 truncation factor 0.4
Sampling with truncation trick above can be performed by command below.
python demo/ CONFIG_PATH CKPT_PATH --sample-cfg truncation=0.4 ## set truncation value as you want

For converted weights, we provide model configs under configs/_base_/models listed as follows:



To perform image Interpolation on BigGAN(or other conditional models), run

python apps/ CONFIG_PATH  CKPT_PATH  --samples-path SAMPLES_PATH
Image interpolating Results of our BigGAN-Deep

To perform image Interpolation on BigGAN with fixed noise, run

python apps/ CONFIG_PATH  CKPT_PATH  --samples-path SAMPLES_PATH --fix-z
Image interpolating Results of our BigGAN-Deep with fixed noise
To perform image Interpolation on BigGAN with fixed label, run
python apps/ CONFIG_PATH  CKPT_PATH  --samples-path SAMPLES_PATH --fix-y
Image interpolating Results of our BigGAN-Deep with fixed label


    title={Large Scale {GAN} Training for High Fidelity Natural Image Synthesis},
    author={Andrew Brock and Jeff Donahue and Karen Simonyan},
    booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},


Task: Conditional GANs


In this paper, we propose the Self-Attention Generative Adversarial Network (SAGAN) which allows attention-driven, long-range dependency modeling for image generation tasks. Traditional convolutional GANs generate high-resolution details as a function of only spatially local points in lower-resolution feature maps. In SAGAN, details can be generated using cues from all feature locations. Moreover, the discriminator can check that highly detailed features in distant portions of the image are consistent with each other. Furthermore, recent work has shown that generator conditioning affects GAN performance. Leveraging this insight, we apply spectral normalization to the GAN generator and find that this improves training dynamics. The proposed SAGAN performs better than prior work, boosting the best published Inception score from 36.8 to 52.52 and reducing Fréchet Inception distance from 27.62 to 18.65 on the challenging ImageNet dataset. Visualization of the attention layers shows that the generator leverages neighborhoods that correspond to object shapes rather than local regions of fixed shape.

Results and models

Results from our SAGAN trained in CIFAR10
Model Dataset Inplace ReLU dist_step Total Batchsize (BZ_PER_GPU * NGPU) Total Iters* Iter IS FID Download
SAGAN-32x32-woInplaceReLU Best IS CIFAR10 w/o 5 64x1 500000 400000 9.3217 10.5030 model | Log
SAGAN-32x32-woInplaceReLU Best FID CIFAR10 w/o 5 64x1 500000 480000 9.3174 9.4252 model | Log
SAGAN-32x32-wInplaceReLU Best IS CIFAR10 w 5 64x1 500000 380000 9.2286 11.7760 model | Log
SAGAN-32x32-wInplaceReLU Best FID CIFAR10 w 5 64x1 500000 460000 9.2061 10.7781 model | Log
SAGAN-128x128-woInplaceReLU Best IS ImageNet w/o 1 64x4 1000000 980000 31.5938 36.7712 model | Log
SAGAN-128x128-woInplaceReLU Best FID ImageNet w/o 1 64x4 1000000 950000 28.4936 34.7838 model | Log
SAGAN-128x128-BigGAN Schedule Best IS ImageNet w/o 1 32x8 1000000 826000 69.5350 12.8295 model | Log
SAGAN-128x128-BigGAN Schedule Best FID ImageNet w/o 1 32x8 1000000 826000 69.5350 12.8295 model | Log

‘*’ Iteration counting rule in our implementation is different from others. If you want to align with other codebases, you can use the following conversion formula:

total_iters (biggan/pytorch studio gan) = our_total_iters / dist_step

We also provide converted pre-train models from Pytorch-StudioGAN. To be noted that, in Pytorch Studio GAN, inplace ReLU is used in generator and discriminator.

Model Dataset Inplace ReLU n_disc Total Iters IS (Our Pipeline) FID (Our Pipeline) IS (StudioGAN) FID (StudioGAN) Download Original Download link
SAGAN-32x32 StudioGAN CIFAR10 w 5 100000 9.116 10.2011 8.680 14.009 model model
SAGAN0-128x128 StudioGAN ImageNet w 1 1000000 27.367 40.1162 29.848 34.726 model model
  • Our Pipeline denote results evaluated with our pipeline.

  • StudioGAN denote results released by Pytorch-StudioGAN.

For IS metric, our implementation is different from PyTorch-Studio GAN in the following aspects:

  1. We use Tero’s Inception for feature extraction.

  2. We use bicubic interpolation with PIL backend to resize image before feed them to Inception.

For FID evaluation, we follow the pipeline of BigGAN, where the whole training set is adopted to extract inception statistics, and Pytorch Studio GAN uses 50000 randomly selected samples. Besides, we also use Tero’s Inception for feature extraction.

You can download the preprocessed inception state by the following url: CIFAR10 and ImageNet1k.

You can use following commands to extract those inception states by yourself.

## For CIFAR10
python tools/utils/ --data-cfg configs/_base_/datasets/ --pklname cifar10.pkl --no-shuffle --inception-style stylegan --num-samples -1 --subset train

## For ImageNet1k
python tools/utils/ --data-cfg configs/_base_/datasets/ --pklname imagenet.pkl --no-shuffle --inception-style stylegan --num-samples -1 --subset train


  title={Self-attention generative adversarial networks},
  author={Zhang, Han and Goodfellow, Ian and Metaxas, Dimitris and Odena, Augustus},
  booktitle={International conference on machine learning},


Task: Conditional GANs


One of the challenges in the study of generative adversarial networks is the instability of its training. In this paper, we propose a novel weight normalization technique called spectral normalization to stabilize the training of the discriminator. Our new normalization technique is computationally light and easy to incorporate into existing implementations. We tested the efficacy of spectral normalization on CIFAR10, STL-10, and ILSVRC2012 dataset, and we experimentally confirmed that spectrally normalized GANs (SN-GANs) is capable of generating images of better or equal quality relative to the previous training stabilization techniques.

Results and models

Results from our SNGAN-PROJ trained in CIFAR10 and ImageNet
Model Dataset Inplace ReLU disc_step Total Iters* Iter IS FID Download
SNGAN_Proj-32x32-woInplaceReLU Best IS CIFAR10 w/o 5 500000 400000 9.6919 9.8203 ckpt | Log
SNGAN_Proj-32x32-woInplaceReLU Best FID CIFAR10 w/o 5 500000 490000 9.5659 8.1158 ckpt | Log
SNGAN_Proj-32x32-wInplaceReLU Best IS CIFAR10 w 5 500000 490000 9.5564 8.3462 ckpt | Log
SNGAN_Proj-32x32-wInplaceReLU Best FID CIFAR10 w 5 500000 490000 9.5564 8.3462 ckpt | Log
SNGAN_Proj-128x128-woInplaceReLU Best IS ImageNet w/o 5 1000000 952000 30.0651 33.4682 ckpt | Log
SNGAN_Proj-128x128-woInplaceReLU Best FID ImageNet w/o 5 1000000 989000 29.5779 32.6193 ckpt | Log
SNGAN_Proj-128x128-wInplaceReLU Best IS ImageNet w 5 1000000 944000 28.1799 34.3383 ckpt | Log
SNGAN_Proj-128x128-wInplaceReLU Best FID ImageNet w 5 1000000 988000 27.7948 33.4821 ckpt | Log

‘*’ Iteration counting rule in our implementation is different from others. If you want to align with other codebases, you can use the following conversion formula:

total_iters (biggan/pytorch studio gan) = our_total_iters / disc_step

We also provide converted pre-train models from Pytorch-StudioGAN. To be noted that, in Pytorch Studio GAN, inplace ReLU is used in generator and discriminator.

Model Dataset Inplace ReLU disc_step Total Iters IS (Our Pipeline) FID (Our Pipeline) IS (StudioGAN) FID (StudioGAN) Download Original Download link
SAGAN_Proj-32x32 StudioGAN CIFAR10 w 5 100000 9.372 10.2011 8.677 13.248 model model
SAGAN_Proj-128x128 StudioGAN ImageNet w 2 1000000 30.218 29.8199 32.247 26.792 model model
  • Our Pipeline denote results evaluated with our pipeline.

  • StudioGAN denote results released by Pytorch-StudioGAN.

For IS metric, our implementation is different from PyTorch-Studio GAN in the following aspects:

  1. We use Tero’s Inception for feature extraction.

  2. We use bicubic interpolation with PIL backend to resize image before feed them to Inception.

For FID evaluation, we follow the pipeline of BigGAN, where the whole training set is adopted to extract inception statistics, and Pytorch Studio GAN uses 50000 randomly selected samples. Besides, we also use Tero’s Inception for feature extraction.

You can download the preprocessed inception state by the following url: CIFAR10 and ImageNet1k.

You can use following commands to extract those inception states by yourself.

## For CIFAR10
python tools/utils/ --data-cfg configs/_base_/datasets/ --pklname cifar10.pkl --no-shuffle --inception-style stylegan --num-samples -1 --subset train

## For ImageNet1k
python tools/utils/ --data-cfg configs/_base_/datasets/ --pklname imagenet.pkl --no-shuffle --inception-style stylegan --num-samples -1 --subset train


  title={Spectral Normalization for Generative Adversarial Networks},
  author={Miyato, Takeru and Kataoka, Toshiki and Koyama, Masanori and Yoshida, Yuichi},
  booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},
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