
Source code for mmagic.datasets.basic_conditional_dataset

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from typing import List, Optional, Sequence, Union

import mmengine
import numpy as np
from mmengine.dataset import BaseDataset
from mmengine.fileio import get_file_backend
from mmengine.logging import MMLogger

from mmagic.registry import DATASETS
from .data_utils import expanduser, find_folders, get_samples

[docs]class BasicConditionalDataset(BaseDataset): """Custom dataset for conditional GAN. This class is based on the combination of `BaseDataset` ( mmlab/mmclassification/blob/main/mmcls/datasets/ # noqa and `CustomDataset` ( mmlab/mmclassification/blob/main/mmcls/datasets/ # noqa. The dataset supports two kinds of annotation format. 1. A annotation file read by line (e.g., txt) is provided, and each line indicates a sample: The sample files: :: data_prefix/ ├── folder_1 │ ├── xxx.png │ ├── xxy.png │ └── ... └── folder_2 ├── 123.png ├── nsdf3.png └── ... The annotation file (the first column is the image path and the second column is the index of category): :: folder_1/xxx.png 0 folder_1/xxy.png 1 folder_2/123.png 5 folder_2/nsdf3.png 3 ... Please specify the name of categories by the argument ``classes`` or ``metainfo``. 2. A dict-based annotation file (e.g., json) is provided, key and value indicate the path and label of the sample: The sample files: :: data_prefix/ ├── folder_1 │ ├── xxx.png │ ├── xxy.png │ └── ... └── folder_2 ├── 123.png ├── nsdf3.png └── ... The annotation file (the key is the image path and the value column is the label): :: { "folder_1/xxx.png": [1, 2, 3, 4], "folder_1/xxy.png": [2, 4, 1, 0], "folder_2/123.png": [0, 9, 8, 1], "folder_2/nsdf3.png", [1, 0, 0, 2], ... } In this kind of annotation, labels can be any type and not restricted to an index. 3. The samples are arranged in the specific way: :: data_prefix/ ├── class_x │ ├── xxx.png │ ├── xxy.png │ └── ... │ └── xxz.png └── class_y ├── 123.png ├── nsdf3.png ├── ... └── asd932_.png If the ``ann_file`` is specified, the dataset will be generated by the first two ways, otherwise, try the third way. Args: ann_file (str): Annotation file path. Defaults to ''. metainfo (dict, optional): Meta information for dataset, such as class information. Defaults to None. data_root (str): The root directory for ``data_prefix`` and ``ann_file``. Defaults to ''. data_prefix (str | dict): Prefix for the data. Defaults to ''. extensions (Sequence[str]): A sequence of allowed extensions. Defaults to ('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.ppm', '.bmp', '.pgm', '.tif'). lazy_init (bool): Whether to load annotation during instantiation. In some cases, such as visualization, only the meta information of the dataset is needed, which is not necessary to load annotation file. ``Basedataset`` can skip load annotations to save time by set ``lazy_init=False``. Defaults to False. **kwargs: Other keyword arguments in :class:`BaseDataset`. """ def __init__(self, ann_file: str = '', metainfo: Optional[dict] = None, data_root: str = '', data_prefix: Union[str, dict] = '', extensions: Sequence[str] = ('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.ppm', '.bmp', '.pgm', '.tif'), lazy_init: bool = False, classes: Union[str, Sequence[str], None] = None, **kwargs): assert (ann_file or data_prefix or data_root), \ 'One of `ann_file`, `data_root` and `data_prefix` must '\ 'be specified.' if isinstance(data_prefix, str): data_prefix = dict(gt_path=expanduser(data_prefix)) ann_file = expanduser(ann_file) metainfo = self._compat_classes(metainfo, classes) self.extensions = tuple(set([i.lower() for i in extensions])) super().__init__( # The base class requires string ann_file but this class doesn't ann_file=ann_file, metainfo=metainfo, data_root=data_root, data_prefix=data_prefix, # Force to lazy_init for some modification before loading data. lazy_init=True, **kwargs) # Full initialize the dataset. if not lazy_init: self.full_init()
[docs] def _find_samples(self, file_backend): """find samples from ``data_prefix``.""" classes, folder_to_idx = find_folders(self.img_prefix, file_backend) samples, empty_classes = get_samples( self.img_prefix, folder_to_idx, is_valid_file=self.is_valid_file, file_backend=file_backend, ) if len(samples) == 0: raise RuntimeError( f'Found 0 files in subfolders of: {self.data_prefix}. ' f'Supported extensions are: {",".join(self.extensions)}') if self.CLASSES is not None: assert len(self.CLASSES) == len(classes), \ f"The number of subfolders ({len(classes)}) doesn't match " \ f'the number of specified classes ({len(self.CLASSES)}). ' \ 'Please check the data folder.' else: self._metainfo['classes'] = tuple(classes) if empty_classes: logger = MMLogger.get_current_instance() logger.warning( 'Found no valid file in the folder ' f'{", ".join(empty_classes)}. ' f"Supported extensions are: {', '.join(self.extensions)}") self.folder_to_idx = folder_to_idx return samples
[docs] def load_data_list(self): """Load image paths and gt_labels.""" if self.img_prefix: file_backend = get_file_backend(uri=self.img_prefix) if not self.ann_file: samples = self._find_samples(file_backend) elif self.ann_file.endswith('json'): samples = samples = [[name, label] for name, label in samples.items()] elif self.ann_file.endswith('txt'): lines = mmengine.list_from_file(self.ann_file) samples = [x.strip().rsplit(' ', 1) for x in lines] else: raise TypeError('Only support \'json\' and \'txt\' as annotation.') def add_prefix(filename, prefix=''): if not prefix: return filename else: return file_backend.join_path(prefix, filename) data_list = [] for filename, gt_label in samples: img_path = add_prefix(filename, self.img_prefix) # convert digit label to int if isinstance(gt_label, str): gt_label = int(gt_label) if gt_label.isdigit() else gt_label info = {'gt_path': img_path, 'gt_label': gt_label} data_list.append(info) return data_list
[docs] def is_valid_file(self, filename: str) -> bool: """Check if a file is a valid sample.""" return filename.lower().endswith(self.extensions)
[docs] def img_prefix(self): """The prefix of images.""" return self.data_prefix['gt_path']
[docs] def CLASSES(self): """Return all categories names.""" return self._metainfo.get('classes', None)
[docs] def class_to_idx(self): """Map mapping class name to class index. Returns: dict: mapping from class name to class index. """ return {cat: i for i, cat in enumerate(self.CLASSES)}
[docs] def get_gt_labels(self): """Get all ground-truth labels (categories). Returns: np.ndarray: categories for all images. """ gt_labels = np.array( [self.get_data_info(i)['gt_label'] for i in range(len(self))]) return gt_labels
[docs] def get_cat_ids(self, idx: int) -> List[int]: """Get category id by index. Args: idx (int): Index of data. Returns: cat_ids (List[int]): Image category of specified index. """ return [int(self.get_data_info(idx)['gt_label'])]
[docs] def _compat_classes(self, metainfo, classes): """Merge the old style ``classes`` arguments to ``metainfo``.""" if isinstance(classes, str): # take it as a file path class_names = mmengine.list_from_file(expanduser(classes)) elif isinstance(classes, (tuple, list)): class_names = classes elif classes is not None: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported type {type(classes)} of classes.') if metainfo is None: metainfo = {} if classes is not None: metainfo = {'classes': tuple(class_names), **metainfo} return metainfo
[docs] def full_init(self): """Load annotation file and set ``BaseDataset._fully_initialized`` to True.""" super().full_init() # To support the standard OpenMMLab 2.0 annotation format. Generate # metainfo in internal format from standard metainfo format. if 'categories' in self._metainfo and 'classes' not in self._metainfo: categories = sorted( self._metainfo['categories'], key=lambda x: x['id']) self._metainfo['classes'] = tuple( [cat['category_name'] for cat in categories])
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Print the basic information of the dataset. Returns: str: Formatted string. """ head = 'Dataset ' + self.__class__.__name__ body = [] if self._fully_initialized: body.append(f'Number of samples: \t{self.__len__()}') else: body.append("Haven't been initialized") if self.CLASSES is not None: body.append(f'Number of categories: \t{len(self.CLASSES)}') else: body.append('The `CLASSES` meta info is not set.') body.extend(self.extra_repr()) if len(self.pipeline.transforms) > 0: body.append('With transforms:') for t in self.pipeline.transforms: body.append(f' {t}') lines = [head] + [' ' * 4 + line for line in body] return '\n'.join(lines)
[docs] def extra_repr(self) -> List[str]: """The extra repr information of the dataset.""" body = [] body.append(f'Annotation file: \t{self.ann_file}') body.append(f'Prefix of images: \t{self.img_prefix}') return body
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