
Source code for mmagic.datasets.transforms.random_degradations

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import io
import logging
import random

import cv2
import numpy as np

from mmagic.datasets.transforms import blur_kernels
from mmagic.registry import TRANSFORMS

    import av
[docs] has_av = True
except ImportError: has_av = False @TRANSFORMS.register_module()
[docs]class RandomBlur: """Apply random blur to the input. Modified keys are the attributed specified in "keys". Args: params (dict): A dictionary specifying the degradation settings. keys (list[str]): A list specifying the keys whose values are modified. """ def __init__(self, params, keys): self.keys = keys self.params = params
[docs] def get_kernel(self, num_kernels: int): """This is the function to create kernel. Args: num_kernels (int): the number of kernels Returns: _type_: _description_ """ kernel_type = np.random.choice( self.params['kernel_list'], p=self.params['kernel_prob']) kernel_size = random.choice(self.params['kernel_size']) sigma_x_range = self.params.get('sigma_x', [0, 0]) sigma_x = np.random.uniform(sigma_x_range[0], sigma_x_range[1]) sigma_x_step = self.params.get('sigma_x_step', 0) sigma_y_range = self.params.get('sigma_y', [0, 0]) sigma_y = np.random.uniform(sigma_y_range[0], sigma_y_range[1]) sigma_y_step = self.params.get('sigma_y_step', 0) rotate_angle_range = self.params.get('rotate_angle', [-np.pi, np.pi]) rotate_angle = np.random.uniform(rotate_angle_range[0], rotate_angle_range[1]) rotate_angle_step = self.params.get('rotate_angle_step', 0) beta_gau_range = self.params.get('beta_gaussian', [0.5, 4]) beta_gau = np.random.uniform(beta_gau_range[0], beta_gau_range[1]) beta_gau_step = self.params.get('beta_gaussian_step', 0) beta_pla_range = self.params.get('beta_plateau', [1, 2]) beta_pla = np.random.uniform(beta_pla_range[0], beta_pla_range[1]) beta_pla_step = self.params.get('beta_plateau_step', 0) omega_range = self.params.get('omega', None) omega_step = self.params.get('omega_step', 0) if omega_range is None: # follow Real-ESRGAN settings if not specified if kernel_size < 13: omega_range = [np.pi / 3., np.pi] else: omega_range = [np.pi / 5., np.pi] omega = np.random.uniform(omega_range[0], omega_range[1]) # determine blurring kernel kernels = [] for _ in range(0, num_kernels): kernel = blur_kernels.random_mixed_kernels( [kernel_type], [1], kernel_size, [sigma_x, sigma_x], [sigma_y, sigma_y], [rotate_angle, rotate_angle], [beta_gau, beta_gau], [beta_pla, beta_pla], [omega, omega], None, ) kernels.append(kernel) # update kernel parameters sigma_x += np.random.uniform(-sigma_x_step, sigma_x_step) sigma_y += np.random.uniform(-sigma_y_step, sigma_y_step) rotate_angle += np.random.uniform(-rotate_angle_step, rotate_angle_step) beta_gau += np.random.uniform(-beta_gau_step, beta_gau_step) beta_pla += np.random.uniform(-beta_pla_step, beta_pla_step) omega += np.random.uniform(-omega_step, omega_step) sigma_x = np.clip(sigma_x, sigma_x_range[0], sigma_x_range[1]) sigma_y = np.clip(sigma_y, sigma_y_range[0], sigma_y_range[1]) rotate_angle = np.clip(rotate_angle, rotate_angle_range[0], rotate_angle_range[1]) beta_gau = np.clip(beta_gau, beta_gau_range[0], beta_gau_range[1]) beta_pla = np.clip(beta_pla, beta_pla_range[0], beta_pla_range[1]) omega = np.clip(omega, omega_range[0], omega_range[1]) return kernels
[docs] def _apply_random_blur(self, imgs): """This is the function to apply blur operation on images. Args: imgs (Tensor): images Returns: Tensor: Images applied blur """ is_single_image = False if isinstance(imgs, np.ndarray): is_single_image = True imgs = [imgs] # get kernel and blur the input kernels = self.get_kernel(num_kernels=len(imgs)) imgs = [ cv2.filter2D(img, -1, kernel) for img, kernel in zip(imgs, kernels) ] if is_single_image: imgs = imgs[0] return imgs
[docs] def __call__(self, results): """Call this transform.""" if np.random.uniform() > self.params.get('prob', 1): return results for key in self.keys: results[key] = self._apply_random_blur(results[key]) return results
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Print the basic information of the transform.""" repr_str = self.__class__.__name__ repr_str += (f'(params={self.params}, keys={self.keys})') return repr_str
[docs]class RandomJPEGCompression: """Apply random JPEG compression to the input. Modified keys are the attributed specified in "keys". Args: params (dict): A dictionary specifying the degradation settings. keys (list[str]): A list specifying the keys whose values are modified. bgr2rgb (str): Whether change channel order. Default: False. """ def __init__(self, params, keys, color_type='color', bgr2rgb=False): self.keys = keys self.params = params self.color_type = color_type self.bgr2rgb = bgr2rgb
[docs] def _apply_random_compression(self, imgs): is_single_image = False if isinstance(imgs, np.ndarray): is_single_image = True imgs = [imgs] # determine initial compression level and the step size quality = self.params['quality'] quality_step = self.params.get('quality_step', 0) jpeg_param = round(np.random.uniform(quality[0], quality[1])) # apply jpeg compression outputs = [] for img in imgs: encode_param = [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), jpeg_param] if self.bgr2rgb and self.color_type == 'color': img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) _, img_encoded = cv2.imencode('.jpg', img, encode_param) if self.color_type == 'color': img_encoded = cv2.imdecode(img_encoded, 1) if self.bgr2rgb: img_encoded = cv2.cvtColor(img_encoded, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) outputs.append(img_encoded) else: outputs.append(cv2.imdecode(img_encoded, 0)) # update compression level jpeg_param += np.random.uniform(-quality_step, quality_step) jpeg_param = round(np.clip(jpeg_param, quality[0], quality[1])) if is_single_image: outputs = outputs[0] return outputs
[docs] def __call__(self, results): """Call this transform.""" if np.random.uniform() > self.params.get('prob', 1): return results for key in self.keys: results[key] = self._apply_random_compression(results[key]) return results
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Print the basic information of the transform.""" repr_str = self.__class__.__name__ repr_str += (f'(params={self.params}, keys={self.keys})') return repr_str
[docs]class RandomNoise: """Apply random noise to the input. Currently support Gaussian noise and Poisson noise. Modified keys are the attributed specified in "keys". Args: params (dict): A dictionary specifying the degradation settings. keys (list[str]): A list specifying the keys whose values are modified. """ def __init__(self, params, keys): self.keys = keys self.params = params
[docs] def _apply_gaussian_noise(self, imgs): """This is the function used to apply gaussian noise on images. Args: imgs (Tensor): images Returns: Tensor: images applied gaussian noise """ sigma_range = self.params['gaussian_sigma'] sigma = np.random.uniform(sigma_range[0], sigma_range[1]) sigma_step = self.params.get('gaussian_sigma_step', 0) gray_noise_prob = self.params['gaussian_gray_noise_prob'] is_gray_noise = np.random.uniform() < gray_noise_prob outputs = [] for img in imgs: noise = np.float32(np.random.randn(*(img.shape))) * sigma if is_gray_noise: noise = noise[:, :, :1] outputs.append(img + noise) # update noise level sigma += np.random.uniform(-sigma_step, sigma_step) sigma = np.clip(sigma, sigma_range[0], sigma_range[1]) return outputs
[docs] def _apply_poisson_noise(self, imgs): scale_range = self.params['poisson_scale'] scale = np.random.uniform(scale_range[0], scale_range[1]) scale_step = self.params.get('poisson_scale_step', 0) gray_noise_prob = self.params['poisson_gray_noise_prob'] is_gray_noise = np.random.uniform() < gray_noise_prob outputs = [] for img in imgs: noise = np.float32(img.copy()) if is_gray_noise: noise = cv2.cvtColor(noise[..., [2, 1, 0]], cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) noise = noise[..., np.newaxis] noise = np.clip((noise).round(), 0, 255) unique_val = 2**np.ceil(np.log2(len(np.unique(noise)))) noise = np.random.poisson(noise * unique_val).astype(np.float32) \ / unique_val - noise outputs.append(img + noise * scale) # update noise level scale += np.random.uniform(-scale_step, scale_step) scale = np.clip(scale, scale_range[0], scale_range[1]) return outputs
[docs] def _apply_random_noise(self, imgs): """This is the function used to apply random noise on images. Args: imgs (Tensor): training images Returns: _type_: _description_ """ noise_type = np.random.choice( self.params['noise_type'], p=self.params['noise_prob']) is_single_image = False if isinstance(imgs, np.ndarray): is_single_image = True imgs = [imgs] if noise_type.lower() == 'gaussian': imgs = self._apply_gaussian_noise(imgs) elif noise_type.lower() == 'poisson': imgs = self._apply_poisson_noise(imgs) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'"noise_type" [{noise_type}] is ' 'not implemented.') if is_single_image: imgs = imgs[0] return imgs
[docs] def __call__(self, results): """Call this transform.""" if np.random.uniform() > self.params.get('prob', 1): return results for key in self.keys: results[key] = self._apply_random_noise(results[key]) return results
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Print the basic information of the transform.""" repr_str = self.__class__.__name__ repr_str += (f'(params={self.params}, keys={self.keys})') return repr_str
[docs]class RandomResize: """Randomly resize the input. Modified keys are the attributed specified in "keys". Args: params (dict): A dictionary specifying the degradation settings. keys (list[str]): A list specifying the keys whose values are modified. """ def __init__(self, params, keys): self.keys = keys self.params = params self.resize_dict = dict( bilinear=cv2.INTER_LINEAR, bicubic=cv2.INTER_CUBIC, area=cv2.INTER_AREA, lanczos=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)
[docs] def _random_resize(self, imgs): """This is the function used to randomly resize images for training augmentation. Args: imgs (Tensor): training images. Returns: Tensor: images after randomly resized """ is_single_image = False if isinstance(imgs, np.ndarray): is_single_image = True imgs = [imgs] h, w = imgs[0].shape[:2] resize_opt = self.params['resize_opt'] resize_prob = self.params['resize_prob'] resize_opt = np.random.choice(resize_opt, p=resize_prob).lower() if resize_opt not in self.resize_dict: raise NotImplementedError(f'resize_opt [{resize_opt}] is not ' 'implemented') resize_opt = self.resize_dict[resize_opt] resize_step = self.params.get('resize_step', 0) # determine the target size, if not provided target_size = self.params.get('target_size', None) if target_size is None: resize_mode = np.random.choice(['up', 'down', 'keep'], p=self.params['resize_mode_prob']) resize_scale = self.params['resize_scale'] if resize_mode == 'up': scale_factor = np.random.uniform(1, resize_scale[1]) elif resize_mode == 'down': scale_factor = np.random.uniform(resize_scale[0], 1) else: scale_factor = 1 # determine output size h_out, w_out = h * scale_factor, w * scale_factor if self.params.get('is_size_even', False): h_out, w_out = 2 * (h_out // 2), 2 * (w_out // 2) target_size = (int(h_out), int(w_out)) else: resize_step = 0 # resize the input if resize_step == 0: # same target_size for all input images outputs = [ cv2.resize(img, target_size[::-1], interpolation=resize_opt) for img in imgs ] else: # different target_size for each input image outputs = [] for img in imgs: img = cv2.resize( img, target_size[::-1], interpolation=resize_opt) outputs.append(img) # update scale scale_factor += np.random.uniform(-resize_step, resize_step) scale_factor = np.clip(scale_factor, resize_scale[0], resize_scale[1]) # determine output size h_out, w_out = h * scale_factor, w * scale_factor if self.params.get('is_size_even', False): h_out, w_out = 2 * (h_out // 2), 2 * (w_out // 2) target_size = (int(h_out), int(w_out)) if is_single_image: outputs = outputs[0] return outputs
[docs] def __call__(self, results): """Call this transform.""" if np.random.uniform() > self.params.get('prob', 1): return results for key in self.keys: results[key] = self._random_resize(results[key]) return results
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Print the basic information of the transform.""" repr_str = self.__class__.__name__ repr_str += (f'(params={self.params}, keys={self.keys})') return repr_str
[docs]class RandomVideoCompression: """Apply random video compression to the input. Modified keys are the attributed specified in "keys". Args: params (dict): A dictionary specifying the degradation settings. keys (list[str]): A list specifying the keys whose values are modified. """ def __init__(self, params, keys): assert has_av, 'Please install av to use video compression.' self.keys = keys self.params = params logging.getLogger('libav').setLevel(50)
[docs] def _apply_random_compression(self, imgs): """This is the function to apply random compression on images. Args: imgs (Tensor): training images Returns: Tensor: images after randomly compressed """ codec = random.choices(self.params['codec'], self.params['codec_prob'])[0] bitrate = self.params['bitrate'] bitrate = np.random.randint(bitrate[0], bitrate[1] + 1) buf = io.BytesIO() with, 'w', 'mp4') as container: stream = container.add_stream(codec, rate=1) stream.height = imgs[0].shape[0] stream.width = imgs[0].shape[1] stream.pix_fmt = 'yuv420p' stream.bit_rate = bitrate for img in imgs: img = img.astype(np.uint8) frame = av.VideoFrame.from_ndarray(img, format='rgb24') frame.pict_type = 'NONE' for packet in stream.encode(frame): container.mux(packet) # Flush stream for packet in stream.encode(): container.mux(packet) outputs = [] with, 'r', 'mp4') as container: if for frame in container.decode(**{'video': 0}): outputs.append(frame.to_rgb().to_ndarray().astype( np.float32)) return outputs
[docs] def __call__(self, results): """Call this transform.""" if np.random.uniform() > self.params.get('prob', 1): return results for key in self.keys: results[key] = self._apply_random_compression(results[key]) return results
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Print the basic information of the transform.""" repr_str = self.__class__.__name__ repr_str += (f'(params={self.params}, keys={self.keys})') return repr_str
[docs]allowed_degradations = { 'RandomBlur': RandomBlur, 'RandomResize': RandomResize, 'RandomNoise': RandomNoise, 'RandomJPEGCompression': RandomJPEGCompression, 'RandomVideoCompression': RandomVideoCompression,
} @TRANSFORMS.register_module()
[docs]class DegradationsWithShuffle: """Apply random degradations to input, with degradations being shuffled. Degradation groups are supported. The order of degradations within the same group is preserved. For example, if we have degradations = [a, b, [c, d]] and shuffle_idx = None, then the possible orders are :: [a, b, [c, d]] [a, [c, d], b] [b, a, [c, d]] [b, [c, d], a] [[c, d], a, b] [[c, d], b, a] Modified keys are the attributed specified in "keys". Args: degradations (list[dict]): The list of degradations. keys (list[str]): A list specifying the keys whose values are modified. shuffle_idx (list | None, optional): The degradations corresponding to these indices are shuffled. If None, all degradations are shuffled. Default: None. """ def __init__(self, degradations, keys, shuffle_idx=None): self.keys = keys self.degradations = self._build_degradations(degradations) if shuffle_idx is None: self.shuffle_idx = list(range(0, len(degradations))) else: self.shuffle_idx = shuffle_idx
[docs] def _build_degradations(self, degradations): for i, degradation in enumerate(degradations): if isinstance(degradation, (list, tuple)): degradations[i] = self._build_degradations(degradation) else: degradation_ = allowed_degradations[degradation['type']] degradations[i] = degradation_(degradation['params'], self.keys) return degradations
[docs] def __call__(self, results): """Call this transform.""" # shuffle degradations if len(self.shuffle_idx) > 0: shuffle_list = [self.degradations[i] for i in self.shuffle_idx] np.random.shuffle(shuffle_list) for i, idx in enumerate(self.shuffle_idx): self.degradations[idx] = shuffle_list[i] # apply degradations to input for degradation in self.degradations: if isinstance(degradation, (tuple, list)): for subdegrdation in degradation: results = subdegrdation(results) else: results = degradation(results) return results
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Print the basic information of the transform.""" repr_str = self.__class__.__name__ repr_str += (f'(degradations={self.degradations}, ' f'keys={self.keys}, ' f'shuffle_idx={self.shuffle_idx})') return repr_str
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