
Source code for mmagic.evaluation.metrics.fid

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from typing import List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from mmengine.dist import is_main_process
from scipy import linalg
from torch import Tensor
from import DataLoader

from mmagic.registry import METRICS
from ..functional import (disable_gpu_fuser_on_pt19, load_inception,
from .base_gen_metric import GenerativeMetric

[docs]class FrechetInceptionDistance(GenerativeMetric): """FID metric. In this metric, we calculate the distance between real distributions and fake distributions. The distributions are modeled by the real samples and fake samples, respectively. `Inception_v3` is adopted as the feature extractor, which is widely used in StyleGAN and BigGAN. Args: fake_nums (int): Numbers of the generated image need for the metric. real_nums (int): Numbers of the real images need for the metric. If -1 is passed, means all real images in the dataset will be used. Defaults to -1. inception_style (str): The target inception style want to load. If the given style cannot be loaded successful, will attempt to load a valid one. Defaults to 'StyleGAN'. inception_path (str, optional): Path the the pretrain Inception network. Defaults to None. inception_pkl (str, optional): Path to reference inception pickle file. If `None`, the statistical value of real distribution will be calculated at running time. Defaults to None. fake_key (Optional[str]): Key for get fake images of the output dict. Defaults to None. real_key (Optional[str]): Key for get real images from the input dict. Defaults to 'img'. need_cond_input (bool): If true, the sampler will return the conditional input randomly sampled from the original dataset. This require the dataset implement `get_data_info` and field `gt_label` must be contained in the return value of `get_data_info`. Noted that, for unconditional models, set `need_cond_input` as True may influence the result of evaluation results since the conditional inputs are sampled from the dataset distribution; otherwise will be sampled from the uniform distribution. Defaults to False. sample_model (str): Sampling mode for the generative model. Support 'orig' and 'ema'. Defaults to 'orig'. collect_device (str, optional): Device name used for collecting results from different ranks during distributed training. Must be 'cpu' or 'gpu'. Defaults to 'cpu'. prefix (str, optional): The prefix that will be added in the metric names to disambiguate homonymous metrics of different evaluators. If prefix is not provided in the argument, self.default_prefix will be used instead. Defaults to None. """
[docs] name = 'FID'
def __init__(self, fake_nums: int, real_nums: int = -1, inception_style='StyleGAN', inception_path: Optional[str] = None, inception_pkl: Optional[str] = None, fake_key: Optional[str] = None, real_key: Optional[str] = 'gt_img', need_cond_input: bool = False, sample_model: str = 'orig', collect_device: str = 'cpu', prefix: Optional[str] = None, sample_kwargs: dict = dict()): super().__init__(fake_nums, real_nums, fake_key, real_key, need_cond_input, sample_model, collect_device, prefix, sample_kwargs) self.real_mean = None self.real_cov = None self.device = 'cpu' self.inception, self.inception_style = self._load_inception( inception_style, inception_path) self.inception_pkl = inception_pkl
[docs] def prepare(self, module: nn.Module, dataloader: DataLoader) -> None: """Preparing inception feature for the real images. Args: module (nn.Module): The model to evaluate. dataloader (DataLoader): The dataloader for real images. """ self.device = module.data_preprocessor.device self.inception.eval() inception_feat_dict = prepare_inception_feat( dataloader, self, module.data_preprocessor, capture_mean_cov=True) if is_main_process(): self.real_mean = inception_feat_dict['real_mean'] self.real_cov = inception_feat_dict['real_cov']
[docs] def _load_inception(self, inception_style: str, inception_path: Optional[str] ) -> Tuple[nn.Module, str]: """Load inception and return the successful loaded style. Args: inception_style (str): Target style of Inception network want to load. inception_path (Optional[str]): The path to the inception. Returns: Tuple[nn.Module, str]: The actually loaded inception network and corresponding style. """ if inception_style == 'StyleGAN': args = dict(type='StyleGAN', inception_path=inception_path) else: args = dict(type='Pytorch', normalize_input=False) inception, style = load_inception(args, 'FID') inception.eval() return inception, style
[docs] def forward_inception(self, image: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Feed image to inception network and get the output feature. Args: data_samples (Sequence[dict]): A batch of data sample dict used to extract inception feature. Returns: Tensor: Image feature extracted from inception. """ # image must passed with 'bgr' image = image[:, [2, 1, 0]].to(self.device) if self.inception_style == 'StyleGAN': image = with disable_gpu_fuser_on_pt19(): feat = self.inception(image, return_features=True) else: image = (image - 127.5) / 127.5 # to [-1, 1] feat = self.inception(image)[0].view(image.shape[0], -1) return feat
[docs] def process(self, data_batch: dict, data_samples: Sequence[dict]) -> None: """Process one batch of data samples and predictions. The processed results should be stored in ``self.fake_results``, which will be used to compute the metrics when all batches have been processed. Args: data_batch (dict): A batch of data from the dataloader. data_samples (Sequence[dict]): A batch of outputs from the model. """ if len(self.fake_results) >= self.fake_nums_per_device: return fake_imgs = [] for pred in data_samples: fake_img_ = pred # get ema/orig results if self.sample_model in fake_img_: fake_img_ = fake_img_[self.sample_model] # get specific fake_keys if (self.fake_key is not None and self.fake_key in fake_img_): fake_img_ = fake_img_[self.fake_key] else: # get img tensor fake_img_ = fake_img_['fake_img'] fake_imgs.append(fake_img_) # check whether shape in fake_imgs are same img_shape = fake_imgs[0].shape if all([img.shape == img_shape for img in fake_imgs]): # all images have the same shape, forward inception altogether fake_imgs = torch.stack(fake_imgs, dim=0) feat = self.forward_inception(fake_imgs) feat_list = list(torch.split(feat, 1)) else: # images have different shape, forward separately feat_list = [ self.forward_inception(img[None, ...]) for img in fake_imgs ] self.fake_results += feat_list
[docs] def _calc_fid(sample_mean: np.ndarray, sample_cov: np.ndarray, real_mean: np.ndarray, real_cov: np.ndarray, eps: float = 1e-6) -> Tuple[float]: """Refer to the implementation from: """ cov_sqrt, _ = linalg.sqrtm(sample_cov @ real_cov, disp=False) if not np.isfinite(cov_sqrt).all(): print('product of cov matrices is singular') offset = np.eye(sample_cov.shape[0]) * eps cov_sqrt = linalg.sqrtm( (sample_cov + offset) @ (real_cov + offset)) if np.iscomplexobj(cov_sqrt): if not np.allclose(np.diagonal(cov_sqrt).imag, 0, atol=1e-3): m = np.max(np.abs(cov_sqrt.imag)) raise ValueError(f'Imaginary component {m}') cov_sqrt = cov_sqrt.real mean_diff = sample_mean - real_mean mean_norm = mean_diff @ mean_diff trace = np.trace(sample_cov) + np.trace( real_cov) - 2 * np.trace(cov_sqrt) fid = mean_norm + trace return float(fid), float(mean_norm), float(trace)
[docs] def compute_metrics(self, fake_results: list) -> dict: """Compute the result of FID metric. Args: fake_results (list): List of image feature of fake images. Returns: dict: A dict of the computed FID metric and its mean and covariance. """ fake_feats =, dim=0) fake_feats_np = fake_feats.cpu().numpy() fake_mean = np.mean(fake_feats_np, 0) fake_cov = np.cov(fake_feats_np, rowvar=False) fid, mean, cov = self._calc_fid(fake_mean, fake_cov, self.real_mean, self.real_cov) return {'fid': fid, 'mean': mean, 'cov': cov}
[docs]class TransFID(FrechetInceptionDistance): def __init__(self, fake_nums: int, real_nums: int = -1, inception_style='StyleGAN', inception_path: Optional[str] = None, inception_pkl: Optional[str] = None, fake_key: Optional[str] = None, real_key: Optional[str] = 'img', sample_model: str = 'ema', collect_device: str = 'cpu', prefix: Optional[str] = None): # NOTE: set `need_cond` as False since we direct return the original # dataloader as sampler super().__init__(fake_nums, real_nums, inception_style, inception_path, inception_pkl, fake_key, real_key, False, sample_model, collect_device, prefix) self.SAMPLER_MODE = 'normal'
[docs] def get_metric_sampler(self, model: nn.Module, dataloader: DataLoader, metrics: List['GenerativeMetric']) -> DataLoader: """Get sampler for normal metrics. Directly returns the dataloader. Args: model (nn.Module): Model to evaluate. dataloader (DataLoader): Dataloader for real images. metrics (List['GenMetric']): Metrics with the same sample mode. Returns: DataLoader: Default sampler for normal metrics. """ return dataloader
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