
Source code for mmagic.evaluation.metrics.ppl

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from typing import Optional, Sequence

import lpips
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from import DataLoader

from mmagic.models.utils import get_module_device, normalize_vecs
from mmagic.registry import METRICS
from .base_gen_metric import GenerativeMetric

[docs]def slerp(a, b, percent): """Spherical linear interpolation between two unnormalized vectors. Args: a (Tensor): Tensor with shape [N, C]. b (Tensor): Tensor with shape [N, C]. percent (float|Tensor): A float or tensor with shape broadcastable to the shape of input Tensors. Returns: Tensor: Spherical linear interpolation result with shape [N, C]. """ a = normalize_vecs(a) b = normalize_vecs(b) d = (a * b).sum(-1, keepdim=True) p = percent * torch.acos(d) c = normalize_vecs(b - d * a) d = a * torch.cos(p) + c * torch.sin(p) return normalize_vecs(d)
@METRICS.register_module('PPL') @METRICS.register_module()
[docs]class PerceptualPathLength(GenerativeMetric): r"""Perceptual path length. Measure the difference between consecutive images (their VGG16 embeddings) when interpolating between two random inputs. Drastic changes mean that multiple features have changed together and that they might be entangled. Ref: # noqa Args: num_images (int): The number of evaluated generated samples. image_shape (tuple, optional): Image shape in order "CHW". Defaults to None. crop (bool, optional): Whether crop images. Defaults to True. epsilon (float, optional): Epsilon parameter for path sampling. Defaults to 1e-4. space (str, optional): Latent space. Defaults to 'W'. sampling (str, optional): Sampling mode, whether sampling in full path or endpoints. Defaults to 'end'. latent_dim (int, optional): Latent dimension of input noise. Defaults to 512. need_cond_input (bool): If true, the sampler will return the conditional input randomly sampled from the original dataset. This require the dataset implement `get_data_info` and field `gt_label` must be contained in the return value of `get_data_info`. Noted that, for unconditional models, set `need_cond_input` as True may influence the result of evaluation results since the conditional inputs are sampled from the dataset distribution; otherwise will be sampled from the uniform distribution. Defaults to False. """
[docs] SAMPLER_MODE = 'path'
def __init__(self, fake_nums: int, real_nums: int = 0, fake_key: Optional[str] = None, real_key: Optional[str] = 'gt_img', need_cond_input: bool = False, sample_model: str = 'ema', collect_device: str = 'cpu', prefix: Optional[str] = None, crop=True, epsilon=1e-4, space='W', sampling='end', latent_dim=512): super().__init__(fake_nums, real_nums, fake_key, real_key, need_cond_input, sample_model, collect_device, prefix) self.crop = crop self.epsilon = epsilon = space self.sampling = sampling self.latent_dim = latent_dim @torch.no_grad()
[docs] def process(self, data_batch: dict, data_samples: Sequence[dict]) -> None: """Process one batch of data samples and predictions. The processed results should be stored in ``self.fake_results``, which will be used to compute the metrics when all batches have been processed. Args: data_batch (dict): A batch of data from the dataloader. data_samples (Sequence[dict]): A batch of outputs from the model. """ fake_imgs = [] for pred in data_samples: fake_img_ = pred # get ema/orig results if self.sample_model in fake_img_: fake_img_ = fake_img_[self.sample_model] # get specific fake_keys if (self.fake_key is not None and self.fake_key in fake_img_): fake_img_ = fake_img_[self.fake_key] else: # get img tensor fake_img_ = fake_img_['fake_img'] fake_imgs.append(fake_img_) fake_imgs = torch.stack(fake_imgs, dim=0) fake_imgs = (fake_imgs - 127.5) / 127.5 # [0, 255] to [-1, 1] feat = self._compute_distance(fake_imgs) feat_list = list(torch.split(feat, 1)) self.fake_results += feat_list
[docs] def _compute_distance(self, images): """Feed data to the metric. Args: images (Tensor): Input tensor. """ # use minibatch's device type to initialize a lpips calculator if not hasattr(self, 'percept'): self.percept = lpips.LPIPS(net='vgg').to(images.device) # crop and resize images if self.crop: c = images.shape[2] // 8 minibatch = images[:, :, c * 3:c * 7, c * 2:c * 6] factor = minibatch.shape[2] // 256 if factor > 1: minibatch = F.interpolate( minibatch, size=(256, 256), mode='bilinear', align_corners=False) # calculator and store lpips score distance = self.percept(minibatch[::2], minibatch[1::2]).view( minibatch.shape[0] // 2) / ( self.epsilon**2) return'cpu')
[docs] def compute_metrics(self, fake_results: list) -> dict: """Summarize the results. Returns: dict | list: Summarized results. """ distances =, dim=0).numpy() lo = np.percentile(distances, 1, interpolation='lower') hi = np.percentile(distances, 99, interpolation='higher') filtered_dist = np.extract( np.logical_and(lo <= distances, distances <= hi), distances) ppl_score = float(filtered_dist.mean()) return {'ppl_score': ppl_score}
[docs] def get_metric_sampler(self, model: nn.Module, dataloader: DataLoader, metrics: list): """Get sampler for generative metrics. Returns a dummy iterator, whose return value of each iteration is a dict containing batch size and sample mode to generate images. Args: model (nn.Module): Model to evaluate. dataloader (DataLoader): Dataloader for real images. Used to get batch size during generate fake images. metrics (list): Metrics with the same sampler mode. Returns: :class:`dummy_iterator`: Sampler for generative metrics. """ batch_size = dataloader.batch_size sample_model = metrics[0].sample_model assert all([metric.sample_model == sample_model for metric in metrics ]), ('\'sample_model\' between metrics is inconsistency.') class PPLSampler: """StyleGAN series generator's sampling iterator for PPL metric. Args: generator (nn.Module): StyleGAN series' generator. num_images (int): The number of evaluated generated samples. batch_size (int): Batch size of generated images. space (str, optional): Latent space. Defaults to 'W'. sampling (str, optional): Sampling mode, whether sampling in full path or endpoints. Defaults to 'end'. epsilon (float, optional): Epsilon parameter for path sampling. Defaults to 1e-4. latent_dim (int, optional): Latent dimension of input noise. Defaults to 512. """ def __init__(self, generator, num_images, batch_size, space='W', sampling='end', epsilon=1e-4, latent_dim=512): assert space in ['Z', 'W'] assert sampling in ['full', 'end'] n_batch = num_images // batch_size resid = num_images - (n_batch * batch_size) self.batch_sizes = [batch_size] * n_batch + ([resid] if resid > 0 else []) self.device = get_module_device(generator) self.generator = generator.module if hasattr( generator, 'module') else generator self.latent_dim = latent_dim = space self.sampling = sampling self.epsilon = epsilon def __iter__(self): self.idx = 0 return self def __len__(self): return len(self.batch_sizes) @torch.no_grad() def __next__(self): if self.idx >= len(self.batch_sizes): raise StopIteration batch = self.batch_sizes[self.idx] injected_noise = self.generator.make_injected_noise() inputs = torch.randn([batch * 2, self.latent_dim], device=self.device) if self.sampling == 'full': lerp_t = torch.rand(batch, device=self.device) else: lerp_t = torch.zeros(batch, device=self.device) if == 'W': assert hasattr(self.generator, 'style_mapping') latent = self.generator.style_mapping(inputs) latent_t0, latent_t1 = latent[::2], latent[1::2] latent_e0 = torch.lerp(latent_t0, latent_t1, lerp_t[:, None]) latent_e1 = torch.lerp(latent_t0, latent_t1, lerp_t[:, None] + self.epsilon) latent_e = torch.stack([latent_e0, latent_e1], 1).view(*latent.shape) else: latent_t0, latent_t1 = inputs[::2], inputs[1::2] latent_e0 = slerp(latent_t0, latent_t1, lerp_t[:, None]) latent_e1 = slerp(latent_t0, latent_t1, lerp_t[:, None] + self.epsilon) latent_e = torch.stack([latent_e0, latent_e1], 1).view(*inputs.shape) self.idx += 1 return dict( inputs=dict( noise=latent_e, sample_kwargs=dict( injected_noise=injected_noise, input_is_latent=( == 'W')))) ppl_sampler = PPLSampler( model.generator_ema if self.sample_model == 'ema' else model.generator, num_images=max([metric.fake_nums_per_device for metric in metrics]), batch_size=batch_size,, sampling=self.sampling, epsilon=self.epsilon, latent_dim=self.latent_dim) return ppl_sampler
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