
Source code for mmagic.evaluation.metrics.swd

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from typing import Optional, Sequence

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from mmengine.dist import all_gather, get_world_size

from mmagic.registry import METRICS
from .base_gen_metric import GenMetric

[docs]def sliced_wasserstein(distribution_a, distribution_b, dir_repeats=4, dirs_per_repeat=128): r"""sliced Wasserstein distance of two sets of patches. Ref: # noqa Args: distribution_a (Tensor): Descriptors of first distribution. distribution_b (Tensor): Descriptors of second distribution. dir_repeats (int): The number of projection times. Default to 4. dirs_per_repeat (int): The number of directions per projection. Default to 128. Returns: float: sliced Wasserstein distance. """ if torch.cuda.is_available(): distribution_b = distribution_b.cuda() assert distribution_a.ndim == 2 assert distribution_a.shape == distribution_b.shape assert dir_repeats > 0 and dirs_per_repeat > 0 distribution_a = results = [] for _ in range(dir_repeats): dirs = torch.randn(distribution_a.shape[1], dirs_per_repeat) dirs /= torch.sqrt(torch.sum((dirs**2), dim=0, keepdim=True)) dirs = proj_a = torch.matmul(distribution_a, dirs) proj_b = torch.matmul(distribution_b, dirs) # To save cuda memory, we perform sort in cpu proj_a, _ = torch.sort(proj_a.cpu(), dim=0) proj_b, _ = torch.sort(proj_b.cpu(), dim=0) dists = torch.abs(proj_a - proj_b) results.append(torch.mean(dists).item()) torch.cuda.empty_cache() return sum(results) / dir_repeats
# Gaussian blur kernel
[docs]def get_gaussian_kernel(): """Get the gaussian blur kernel. Returns: Tensor: Blur kernel. """ kernel = np.array([[1, 4, 6, 4, 1], [4, 16, 24, 16, 4], [6, 24, 36, 24, 6], [4, 16, 24, 16, 4], [1, 4, 6, 4, 1]], np.float32) / 256.0 gaussian_k = torch.as_tensor(kernel.reshape(1, 1, 5, 5)) return gaussian_k
[docs]def get_pyramid_layer(image, gaussian_k, direction='down'): """Get the pyramid layer. Args: image (Tensor): Input image. gaussian_k (Tensor): Gaussian kernel direction (str, optional): The direction of pyramid. Defaults to 'down'. Returns: Tensor: The output of the pyramid. """ gaussian_k = if direction == 'up': image = F.interpolate(image, scale_factor=2) multiband = [ F.conv2d( image[:, i:i + 1, :, :], gaussian_k, padding=2, stride=1 if direction == 'up' else 2) for i in range(3) ] image =, dim=1) return image
[docs]def gaussian_pyramid(original, n_pyramids, gaussian_k): """Get a group of gaussian pyramid. Args: original (Tensor): The input image. n_pyramids (int): The number of pyramids. gaussian_k (Tensor): The gaussian kernel. Returns: List[Tensor]: The list of output of gaussian pyramid. """ x = original # pyramid down pyramids = [original] for _ in range(n_pyramids): x = get_pyramid_layer(x, gaussian_k) pyramids.append(x) return pyramids
[docs]def laplacian_pyramid(original, n_pyramids, gaussian_k): """Calculate Laplacian pyramid. Ref: Args: original (Tensor): Batch of Images with range [0, 1] and order "NCHW" n_pyramids (int): Levels of pyramids minus one. gaussian_k (Tensor): Gaussian kernel with shape (1, 1, 5, 5). Return: list[Tensor]. Laplacian pyramids of original. """ # create gaussian pyramid pyramids = gaussian_pyramid(original, n_pyramids, gaussian_k) # pyramid up - diff laplacian = [] for i in range(len(pyramids) - 1): diff = pyramids[i] - get_pyramid_layer(pyramids[i + 1], gaussian_k, 'up') laplacian.append(diff) # Add last gaussian pyramid laplacian.append(pyramids[len(pyramids) - 1]) return laplacian
[docs]def get_descriptors_for_minibatch(minibatch, nhood_size, nhoods_per_image): r"""Get descriptors of one level of pyramids. Ref: # noqa Args: minibatch (Tensor): Pyramids of one level with order "NCHW". nhood_size (int): Pixel neighborhood size. nhoods_per_image (int): The number of descriptors per image. Return: Tensor: Descriptors of images from one level batch. """ S = minibatch.shape # (minibatch, channel, height, width) assert len(S) == 4 and S[1] == 3 N = nhoods_per_image * S[0] H = nhood_size // 2 nhood, chan, x, y = np.ogrid[0:N, 0:3, -H:H + 1, -H:H + 1] img = nhood // nhoods_per_image x = x + np.random.randint(H, S[3] - H, size=(N, 1, 1, 1)) y = y + np.random.randint(H, S[2] - H, size=(N, 1, 1, 1)) idx = ((img * S[1] + chan) * S[2] + y) * S[3] + x return minibatch.view(-1)[idx]
[docs]def finalize_descriptors(desc): r"""Normalize and reshape descriptors. Ref: # noqa Args: desc (list or Tensor): List of descriptors of one level. Return: Tensor: Descriptors after normalized along channel and flattened. """ if isinstance(desc, list): desc =, dim=0) assert desc.ndim == 4 # (neighborhood, channel, height, width) desc -= torch.mean(desc, dim=(0, 2, 3), keepdim=True) desc /= torch.std(desc, dim=(0, 2, 3), keepdim=True) desc = desc.reshape(desc.shape[0], -1) return desc
@METRICS.register_module('SWD') @METRICS.register_module()
[docs]class SlicedWassersteinDistance(GenMetric): """SWD (Sliced Wasserstein distance) metric. We calculate the SWD of two sets of images in the following way. In every 'feed', we obtain the Laplacian pyramids of every images and extract patches from the Laplacian pyramids as descriptors. In 'summary', we normalize these descriptors along channel, and reshape them so that we can use these descriptors to represent the distribution of real/fake images. And we can calculate the sliced Wasserstein distance of the real and fake descriptors as the SWD of the real and fake images. Ref: # noqa Args: fake_nums (int): Numbers of the generated image need for the metric. image_shape (tuple): Image shape in order "CHW". fake_key (Optional[str]): Key for get fake images of the output dict. Defaults to None. real_key (Optional[str]): Key for get real images from the input dict. Defaults to 'gt_img'. sample_model (str): Sampling mode for the generative model. Support 'orig' and 'ema'. Defaults to 'ema'. collect_device (str): Device name used for collecting results from different ranks during distributed training. Must be 'cpu' or 'gpu'. Defaults to 'cpu'. prefix (str, optional): The prefix that will be added in the metric names to disambiguate homonymous metrics of different evaluators. If prefix is not provided in the argument, self.default_prefix will be used instead. Defaults to None. """
[docs] name = 'SWD'
def __init__(self, fake_nums: int, image_shape: tuple, fake_key: Optional[str] = None, real_key: Optional[str] = 'gt_img', sample_model: str = 'ema', collect_device: str = 'cpu', prefix: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__(fake_nums, fake_nums, fake_key, real_key, sample_model, collect_device, prefix) self.nhood_size = 7 # height and width of the extracted patches self.nhoods_per_image = 128 # number of extracted patches per image self.dir_repeats = 4 # times of sampling directions self.dirs_per_repeat = 128 # number of directions per sampling self.resolutions = [] res = image_shape[1] self.image_shape = image_shape while res >= 16 and len(self.resolutions) < 4: self.resolutions.append(res) res //= 2 self.n_pyramids = len(self.resolutions) self.gaussian_k = get_gaussian_kernel() self.real_results = [[] for res in self.resolutions] self.fake_results = [[] for res in self.resolutions] self._num_processed = 0
[docs] def process(self, data_batch: dict, data_samples: Sequence[dict]) -> None: """Process one batch of data samples and predictions. The processed results should be stored in ``self.fake_results`` and ``self.real_results``, which will be used to compute the metrics when all batches have been processed. Args: data_batch (dict): A batch of data from the dataloader. data_samples (Sequence[dict]): A batch of outputs from the model. """ if self.fake_nums != -1 and (self._num_processed >= self.fake_nums_per_device): return real_imgs, fake_imgs = [], [] for data in data_samples: # parse real images real_imgs.append(data['gt_img']) # parse fake images fake_img_ = data # get ema/orig results if self.sample_model in fake_img_: fake_img_ = fake_img_[self.sample_model] # get specific fake_keys if (self.fake_key is not None and self.fake_key in fake_img_): fake_img_ = fake_img_[self.fake_key] else: # get img tensor fake_img_ = fake_img_['fake_img'] fake_imgs.append(fake_img_) real_imgs = torch.stack(real_imgs, dim=0) fake_imgs = torch.stack(fake_imgs, dim=0) # [0, 255] -> [-1, 1] real_imgs = (real_imgs - 127.5) / 127.5 fake_imgs = (fake_imgs - 127.5) / 127.5 # real images assert real_imgs.shape[1:] == self.image_shape if real_imgs.shape[1] == 1: real_imgs = real_imgs.repeat(1, 3, 1, 1) real_pyramid = laplacian_pyramid(real_imgs, self.n_pyramids - 1, self.gaussian_k) # lod: layer_of_descriptors if self.real_results == []: self.real_results = [[] for res in self.resolutions] for lod, level in enumerate(real_pyramid): desc = get_descriptors_for_minibatch(level, self.nhood_size, self.nhoods_per_image) self.real_results[lod].append(desc.cpu()) # fake images assert fake_imgs.shape[1:] == self.image_shape if fake_imgs.shape[1] == 1: fake_imgs = fake_imgs.repeat(1, 3, 1, 1) fake_pyramid = laplacian_pyramid(fake_imgs, self.n_pyramids - 1, self.gaussian_k) # lod: layer_of_descriptors if self.fake_results == []: self.fake_results = [[] for res in self.resolutions] for lod, level in enumerate(fake_pyramid): desc = get_descriptors_for_minibatch(level, self.nhood_size, self.nhoods_per_image) self.fake_results[lod].append(desc.cpu()) self._num_processed += real_imgs.shape[0]
[docs] def _collect_target_results(self, target: str) -> Optional[list]: """Collect function for SWD metric. This function support collect results typing as `List[List[Tensor]]`. Args: target (str): Target results to collect. Returns: Optional[list]: The collected results. """ assert target in [ 'fake', 'real' ], ('Only support to collect \'fake\' or \'real\' results.') results = getattr(self, f'{target}_results') results_collected = [] world_size = get_world_size() for result in results: # save the original tensor size results_size_list = [res.shape[0] for res in result] * world_size result_collected =, dim=0) result_collected =, dim=0) # split to tuple result_collected = torch.split(result_collected, results_size_list) # convert to list result_collected = [res for res in result_collected] results_collected.append(result_collected) self._num_processed = 0 return results_collected
[docs] def compute_metrics(self, results_fake, results_real) -> dict: """Compute the result of SWD metric. Args: fake_results (list): List of image feature of fake images. real_results (list): List of image feature of real images. Returns: dict: A dict of the computed SWD metric. """ fake_descs = [finalize_descriptors(d) for d in results_fake] real_descs = [finalize_descriptors(d) for d in results_real] distance = [ sliced_wasserstein(dreal, dfake, self.dir_repeats, self.dirs_per_repeat) for dreal, dfake in zip(real_descs, fake_descs) ] del real_descs del fake_descs distance = [d * 1e3 for d in distance] # multiply by 10^3 result = distance + [np.mean(distance)] return { f'{resolution}': round(d, 4) for resolution, d in zip(self.resolutions + ['avg'], result)
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