
Source code for mmagic.models.editors.disco_diffusion.clip_wrapper

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from typing import List, Optional, Union

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from mmengine import print_log

from mmagic.registry import MODELS

[docs]class ClipWrapper(nn.Module): r"""Clip Models wrapper. We provide wrappers for the clip models of ``openai`` and ``mlfoundations``, where the user can specify ``clip_type`` as ``clip`` or ``open_clip``, and then initialize a clip model using the same arguments as in the original codebase. The following clip models settings are provided in the official repo of disco diffusion: | Setting | Source | Arguments | # noqa |:-----------------------------:|-----------|--------------------------------------------------------------| # noqa | ViTB32 | clip | name='ViT-B/32', jit=False | # noqa | ViTB16 | clip | name='ViT-B/16', jit=False | # noqa | ViTL14 | clip | name='ViT-L/14', jit=False | # noqa | ViTL14_336px | clip | name='ViT-L/14@336px', jit=False | # noqa | RN50 | clip | name='RN50', jit=False | # noqa | RN50x4 | clip | name='RN50x4', jit=False | # noqa | RN50x16 | clip | name='RN50x16', jit=False | # noqa | RN50x64 | clip | name='RN50x64', jit=False | # noqa | RN101 | clip | name='RN101', jit=False | # noqa | ViTB32_laion2b_e16 | open_clip | name='ViT-B-32', pretrained='laion2b_e16' | # noqa | ViTB32_laion400m_e31 | open_clip | model_name='ViT-B-32', pretrained='laion400m_e31' | # noqa | ViTB32_laion400m_32 | open_clip | model_name='ViT-B-32', pretrained='laion400m_e32' | # noqa | ViTB32quickgelu_laion400m_e31 | open_clip | model_name='ViT-B-32-quickgelu', pretrained='laion400m_e31' | # noqa | ViTB32quickgelu_laion400m_e32 | open_clip | model_name='ViT-B-32-quickgelu', pretrained='laion400m_e32' | # noqa | ViTB16_laion400m_e31 | open_clip | model_name='ViT-B-16', pretrained='laion400m_e31' | # noqa | ViTB16_laion400m_e32 | open_clip | model_name='ViT-B-16', pretrained='laion400m_e32' | # noqa | RN50_yffcc15m | open_clip | model_name='RN50', pretrained='yfcc15m' | # noqa | RN50_cc12m | open_clip | model_name='RN50', pretrained='cc12m' | # noqa | RN50_quickgelu_yfcc15m | open_clip | model_name='RN50-quickgelu', pretrained='yfcc15m' | # noqa | RN50_quickgelu_cc12m | open_clip | model_name='RN50-quickgelu', pretrained='cc12m' | # noqa | RN101_yfcc15m | open_clip | model_name='RN101', pretrained='yfcc15m' | # noqa | RN101_quickgelu_yfcc15m | open_clip | model_name='RN101-quickgelu', pretrained='yfcc15m' | # noqa An example of a ``clip_modes_cfg`` is as follows: Examples: >>> # Use OpenAI's CLIP >>> config = dict( >>> type='ClipWrapper', >>> clip_type='clip', >>> name='ViT-B/32', >>> jit=False) >>> # Use OpenCLIP >>> config = dict( >>> type='ClipWrapper', >>> clip_type='open_clip', >>> model_name='RN50', >>> pretrained='yfcc15m') >>> # Use CLIP from Hugging Face Transformers >>> config = dict( >>> type='ClipWrapper', >>> clip_type='huggingface', >>> pretrained_model_name_or_path='runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5', >>> subfolder='text_encoder') Args: clip_type (List[Dict]): The original source of the clip model. Whether be ``clip``, ``open_clip`` or ``hugging_face``. *args, **kwargs: Arguments to initialize corresponding clip model. """ def __init__(self, clip_type, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.clip_type = clip_type assert clip_type in ['clip', 'open_clip', 'huggingface'] error_msg = ('{} need to be installed! Run `pip install -r ' 'requirements/optional.txt` and try again') if clip_type == 'clip': try: import clip except ImportError: raise ImportError(error_msg.format('\'clip\'')) print_log(f'Creating {kwargs["name"]} by OpenAI', 'current') self.model, _ = clip.load(*args, **kwargs) elif clip_type == 'open_clip': try: import open_clip except ImportError: raise ImportError(error_msg.format('\'open_clip_torch\'')) print_log(f'Creating {kwargs["model_name"]} by ' 'mlfoundations', 'current') self.model = open_clip.create_model(*args, **kwargs) elif clip_type == 'huggingface': try: import transformers except ImportError: raise ImportError(error_msg.format('\'transforms\'')) # NOTE: use CLIPTextModel to adopt stable diffusion pipeline model_cls = transformers.CLIPTextModel self.model = model_cls.from_pretrained(*args, **kwargs) self.config = self.model.config print_log( f'Creating {self.model.name_or_path} ' 'by \'HuggingFace\'', 'current') self.model.eval().requires_grad_(False)
[docs] def get_embedding_layer(self): """Function to get embedding layer of the clip model. Only support for CLIPTextModel currently. """ if self.clip_type != 'huggingface': print_log( 'Do not support \'get_embedding_layer\' for clip_type: ' f'\'{self.clip_type}\' currently.', 'current') return None if self.model.__class__.__name__ != 'CLIPTextModel': print_log( 'Only support \'get_embedding_layer\' for ' 'CLIPTextModel.', 'current') return None return self.model.text_model.embeddings.token_embedding
[docs] def add_embedding(self, embeddings: Union[dict, List[dict]]): assert self.clip_type == 'huggingface', ( 'Only support add embedding for HuggingFace transformers.') assert self.model.__class__.__name__ == 'CLIPTextModel', ( 'Only support add embedding for \'CLIPTextModel\' (CLIP).') embedding_layer = self.get_embedding_layer() if not isinstance(embedding_layer, EmbeddingLayerWithFixes): self.model.embeddings = EmbeddingLayerWithFixes(embedding_layer) self.model.embeddings.add_embedding(embeddings)
[docs] def set_only_embedding_trainable(self): func_name = '\'set_only_embedding_trainable\'' assert self.clip_type == 'huggingface', ( f'Only support {func_name} for HuggingFace transformers.') assert self.model.__class__.__name__ == 'CLIPTextModel', ( f'Only support {func_name} for \'CLIPTextModel\' (CLIP).') self.model.requires_grad_(False) embedding_layer = self.get_embedding_layer() if isinstance(embedding_layer, EmbeddingLayerWithFixes): embedding_layer.trainable_embeddings.requires_grad_(True) print_log('Set only embedding trainable.', 'current') else: print_log( 'Do not found EmbeddingLayerWithFixes. ' f'{func_name} do nothing.', 'current')
[docs] def set_embedding_layer(self): assert self.clip_type == 'huggingface', ( 'Only support add embedding for HuggingFace transformers.') assert self.model.__class__.__name__ == 'CLIPTextModel', ( 'Only support add embedding for \'CLIPTextModel\' (CLIP).') embedding_layer = self.get_embedding_layer() if not isinstance(embedding_layer, EmbeddingLayerWithFixes): self.model.text_model.embeddings.token_embedding = \ EmbeddingLayerWithFixes(embedding_layer) print_log('Set embedding layer to EmbeddingLayerWithFixes', 'current')
[docs] def unset_embedding_layer(self): wrapped_embedding_layer = self.model.embeddings if isinstance(wrapped_embedding_layer, EmbeddingLayerWithFixes): self.model.text_model.embeddings.token_embedding = \ wrapped_embedding_layer.wrapped print_log('Unset embedding layer.', 'current')
[docs] def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): """Forward function.""" return self.model(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class EmbeddingLayerWithFixes(nn.Module): """The revised embedding layer to support external embeddings. This design of this class is inspired by diffusion-webui/blob/22bcc7be428c94e9408f589966c2040187245d81/modules/sd_hi # noqa. Args: wrapped (nn.Emebdding): The embedding layer to be wrapped. external_embeddings (Union[dict, List[dict]], optional): The external embeddings added to this layer. Defaults to None. """ def __init__(self, wrapped: nn.Embedding, external_embeddings: Optional[Union[dict, List[dict]]] = None): super().__init__() self.wrapped = wrapped self.num_embeddings = wrapped.weight.shape[0] self.external_embeddings = [] if external_embeddings: self.add_embeddings(external_embeddings) self.trainable_embeddings = nn.ParameterDict() @property
[docs] def weight(self): """Get the weight of wrapped embedding layer.""" return self.wrapped.weight
[docs] def check_duplicate_names(self, embeddings: List[dict]): """Check whether duplicate names exist in list of 'external embeddings'. Args: embeddings (List[dict]): A list of embedding to be check. """ names = [emb['name'] for emb in embeddings] assert len(names) == len(set(names)), ( 'Found duplicated names in \'external_embeddings\'. Name list: '
[docs] def check_ids_overlap(self, embeddings): """Check whether overlap exist in token ids of 'external_embeddings'. Args: embeddings (List[dict]): A list of embedding to be check. """ ids_range = [[emb['start'], emb['end'], emb['name']] for emb in embeddings] ids_range.sort() # sort by 'start' # check if 'end' has overlapping for idx in range(len(ids_range) - 1): name1, name2 = ids_range[idx][-1], ids_range[idx + 1][-1] assert ids_range[idx][1] <= ids_range[idx + 1][0], ( f'Found ids overlapping between embeddings \'{name1}\' '
f'and \'{name2}\'.')
[docs] def add_embeddings(self, embeddings: Optional[Union[dict, List[dict]]]): """Add external embeddings to this layer. Use case: >>> 1. Add token to tokenizer and get the token id. >>> tokenizer = TokenizerWrapper('openai/clip-vit-base-patch32') >>> # 'how much' in kiswahili >>> tokenizer.add_placeholder_tokens('ngapi', num_vec_per_token=4) >>> >>> 2. Add external embeddings to the model. >>> new_embedding = { >>> 'name': 'ngapi', # 'how much' in kiswahili >>> 'embedding': torch.ones(1, 15) * 4, >>> 'start': tokenizer.get_token_info('kwaheri')['start'], >>> 'end': tokenizer.get_token_info('kwaheri')['end'], >>> 'trainable': False # if True, will registry as a parameter >>> } >>> embedding_layer = nn.Embedding(10, 15) >>> embedding_layer_wrapper = EmbeddingLayerWithFixes(embedding_layer) >>> embedding_layer_wrapper.add_embeddings(new_embedding) >>> >>> 3. Forward tokenizer and embedding layer! >>> input_text = ['hello, ngapi!', 'hello my friend, ngapi?'] >>> input_ids = tokenizer( >>> input_text, padding='max_length', truncation=True, >>> return_tensors='pt')['input_ids'] >>> out_feat = embedding_layer_wrapper(input_ids) >>> >>> 4. Let's validate the result! >>> assert (out_feat[0, 3: 7] == 2.3).all() >>> assert (out_feat[2, 5: 9] == 2.3).all() Args: embeddings (Union[dict, list[dict]]): The external embeddings to be added. Each dict must contain the following 4 fields: 'name' (the name of this embedding), 'embedding' (the embedding tensor), 'start' (the start token id of this embedding), 'end' (the end token id of this embedding). For example: `{name: NAME, start: START, end: END, embedding: torch.Tensor}` """ if isinstance(embeddings, dict): embeddings = [embeddings] self.external_embeddings += embeddings self.check_duplicate_names(self.external_embeddings) self.check_ids_overlap(self.external_embeddings) # set for trainable added_trainable_emb_info = [] for embedding in embeddings: trainable = embedding.get('trainable', False) if trainable: name = embedding['name'] embedding['embedding'] = torch.nn.Parameter( embedding['embedding']) self.trainable_embeddings[name] = embedding['embedding'] added_trainable_emb_info.append(name) added_emb_info = [emb['name'] for emb in embeddings] added_emb_info = ', '.join(added_emb_info) print_log(f'Successfully add external embeddings: {added_emb_info}.', 'current') if added_trainable_emb_info: added_trainable_emb_info = ', '.join(added_trainable_emb_info) print_log( 'Successfully add trainable external embeddings: ' f'{added_trainable_emb_info}', 'current')
[docs] def replace_input_ids(self, input_ids: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Replace external input ids to 0. Args: input_ids (torch.Tensor): The input ids to be replaced. Returns: torch.Tensor: The replaced input ids. """ input_ids_fwd = input_ids.clone() input_ids_fwd[input_ids_fwd >= self.num_embeddings] = 0 return input_ids_fwd
[docs] def replace_embeddings(self, input_ids: torch.Tensor, embedding: torch.Tensor, external_embedding: dict) -> torch.Tensor: """Replace external embedding to the embedding layer. Noted that, in this function we use `` to avoid inplace modification. Args: input_ids (torch.Tensor): The original token ids. Shape like [LENGTH, ]. embedding (torch.Tensor): The embedding of token ids after `replace_input_ids` function. external_embedding (dict): The external embedding to be replaced. Returns: torch.Tensor: The replaced embedding. """ new_embedding = [] name = external_embedding['name'] start = external_embedding['start'] end = external_embedding['end'] target_ids_to_replace = [i for i in range(start, end)] ext_emb = external_embedding['embedding'] # do not need to replace if not (input_ids == start).any(): return embedding # start replace s_idx, e_idx = 0, 0 while e_idx < len(input_ids): if input_ids[e_idx] == start: if e_idx != 0: # add embedding do not need to replace new_embedding.append(embedding[s_idx:e_idx]) # check if the next embedding need to replace is valid actually_ids_to_replace = [ int(i) for i in input_ids[e_idx:e_idx + end - start] ] assert actually_ids_to_replace == target_ids_to_replace, ( f'Invalid \'input_ids\' in position: {s_idx} to {e_idx}. ' f'Expect \'{target_ids_to_replace}\' for embedding ' f'\'{name}\' but found \'{actually_ids_to_replace}\'.') new_embedding.append(ext_emb) s_idx = e_idx + end - start e_idx = s_idx + 1 else: e_idx += 1 if e_idx == len(input_ids): new_embedding.append(embedding[s_idx:e_idx]) return, dim=0)
[docs] def forward(self, input_ids: torch.Tensor, external_embeddings: Optional[List[dict]] = None): """The forward function. Args: input_ids (torch.Tensor): The token ids shape like [bz, LENGTH] or [LENGTH, ]. external_embeddings (Optional[List[dict]]): The external embeddings. If not passed, only `self.external_embeddings` will be used. Defaults to None. input_ids: shape like [bz, LENGTH] or [LENGTH]. """ assert input_ids.ndim in [1, 2] if input_ids.ndim == 1: input_ids = input_ids.unsqueeze(0) if external_embeddings is None and not self.external_embeddings: return self.wrapped(input_ids) input_ids_fwd = self.replace_input_ids(input_ids) inputs_embeds = self.wrapped(input_ids_fwd) vecs = [] if external_embeddings is None: external_embeddings = [] elif isinstance(external_embeddings, dict): external_embeddings = [external_embeddings] embeddings = self.external_embeddings + external_embeddings for input_id, embedding in zip(input_ids, inputs_embeds): new_embedding = embedding for external_embedding in embeddings: new_embedding = self.replace_embeddings( input_id, new_embedding, external_embedding) vecs.append(new_embedding) return torch.stack(vecs)
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