
Source code for mmagic.models.editors.disco_diffusion.disco

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from typing import Dict, Union

import mmcv
import mmengine
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from mmengine.runner import set_random_seed
from mmengine.runner.checkpoint import (_load_checkpoint,
from tqdm import tqdm

from mmagic.registry import DIFFUSION_SCHEDULERS, MODELS
from .guider import ImageTextGuider

[docs]ModelType = Union[Dict, nn.Module]
@MODELS.register_module('disco') @MODELS.register_module('dd') @MODELS.register_module()
[docs]class DiscoDiffusion(nn.Module): """Disco Diffusion (DD) is a Google Colab Notebook which leverages an AI Image generating technique called CLIP-Guided Diffusion to allow you to create compelling and beautiful images from just text inputs. Created by Somnai, augmented by Gandamu, and building on the work of RiversHaveWings, nshepperd, and many others. Ref: Github Repo: Colab: # noqa Args: unet (ModelType): Config of denoising Unet. diffusion_scheduler (ModelType): Config of diffusion_scheduler scheduler. secondary_model (ModelType): A smaller secondary diffusion model trained by Katherine Crowson to remove noise from intermediate timesteps to prepare them for CLIP. Ref: # noqa Defaults to None. clip_models (list): Config of clip models. Defaults to []. use_fp16 (bool): Whether to use fp16 for unet model. Defaults to False. pretrained_cfgs (dict): Path Config for pretrained weights. Usually this is a dict contains module name and the corresponding ckpt path. Defaults to None. """ def __init__(self, unet, diffusion_scheduler, secondary_model=None, clip_models=[], use_fp16=False, pretrained_cfgs=None): super().__init__() self.unet = unet if isinstance(unet, nn.Module) else self.diffusion_scheduler = diffusion_scheduler) if isinstance(diffusion_scheduler, dict) else diffusion_scheduler assert len(clip_models) > 0 if isinstance(clip_models[0], nn.Module): _clip_models = clip_models else: _clip_models = [] for clip_cfg in clip_models: _clip_models.append( self.guider = ImageTextGuider(_clip_models) if secondary_model is not None: self.secondary_model = secondary_model if isinstance( secondary_model, nn.Module) else self.with_secondary_model = True else: self.with_secondary_model = False if pretrained_cfgs: self.load_pretrained_models(pretrained_cfgs) if use_fp16: mmengine.print_log('Convert unet modules to floatpoint16') self.unet.convert_to_fp16()
[docs] def load_pretrained_models(self, pretrained_cfgs): """Loading pretrained weights to model. ``pretrained_cfgs`` is a dict consist of module name as key and checkpoint path as value. Args: pretrained_cfgs (dict): Path Config for pretrained weights. Usually this is a dict contains module name and the corresponding ckpt path. Defaults to None. """ for key, ckpt_cfg in pretrained_cfgs.items(): prefix = ckpt_cfg.get('prefix', '') map_location = ckpt_cfg.get('map_location', 'cpu') strict = ckpt_cfg.get('strict', True) ckpt_path = ckpt_cfg.get('ckpt_path') if prefix: state_dict = _load_checkpoint_with_prefix( prefix, ckpt_path, map_location) else: state_dict = _load_checkpoint(ckpt_path, map_location) getattr(self, key).load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=strict) mmengine.print_log(f'Load pretrained {key} from {ckpt_path}')
[docs] def device(self): """Get current device of the model. Returns: torch.device: The current device of the model. """ return next(self.parameters()).device
[docs] def infer(self, scheduler_kwargs=None, height=None, width=None, init_image=None, batch_size=1, num_inference_steps=100, skip_steps=0, show_progress=True, text_prompts=[], image_prompts=[], eta=0.8, clip_guidance_scale=5000, init_scale=1000, tv_scale=0., sat_scale=0., range_scale=150, cut_overview=[12] * 400 + [4] * 600, cut_innercut=[4] * 400 + [12] * 600, cut_ic_pow=[1] * 1000, cut_icgray_p=[0.2] * 400 + [0] * 600, cutn_batches=4, seed=None): """Inference API for disco diffusion. Args: scheduler_kwargs (dict): Args for infer time diffusion scheduler. Defaults to None. height (int): Height of output image. Defaults to None. width (int): Width of output image. Defaults to None. init_image (str): Initial image at the start point of denoising. Defaults to None. batch_size (int): Batch size. Defaults to 1. num_inference_steps (int): Number of inference steps. Defaults to 1000. skip_steps (int): Denoising steps to skip, usually set with ``init_image``. Defaults to 0. show_progress (bool): Whether to show progress. Defaults to False. text_prompts (list): Text prompts. Defaults to []. image_prompts (list): Image prompts, this is not the same as ``init_image``, they works the same way with ``text_prompts``. Defaults to []. eta (float): Eta for ddim sampling. Defaults to 0.8. clip_guidance_scale (int): The Scale of influence of prompts on output image. Defaults to 1000. seed (int): Sampling seed. Defaults to None. """ # set diffusion_scheduler if scheduler_kwargs is not None: mmengine.print_log('Switch to infer diffusion scheduler!', 'current') infer_scheduler = else: infer_scheduler = self.diffusion_scheduler # set random seed if isinstance(seed, int): set_random_seed(seed=seed) # set step values if num_inference_steps > 0: infer_scheduler.set_timesteps(num_inference_steps) _ = image_prompts height = (height // 64) * 64 if height else self.unet.image_size width = (width // 64) * 64 if width else self.unet.image_size if init_image is None: image = torch.randn( (batch_size, self.unet.in_channels, height, width)) image = else: init = mmcv.imread(init_image, channel_order='rgb') init = mmcv.imresize( init, (width, height), interpolation='lanczos') / 255. init_image = torch.as_tensor( init, dtype=torch.float32).to(self.device).unsqueeze(0).permute( 0, 3, 1, 2).mul(2).sub(1) image = init_image.clone() image = infer_scheduler.add_noise( image, torch.randn_like(image), infer_scheduler.timesteps[skip_steps]) # get stats from text prompts and image prompts model_stats = self.guider.compute_prompt_stats( text_prompts=text_prompts) timesteps = infer_scheduler.timesteps[skip_steps:] if show_progress: timesteps = tqdm(timesteps) for t in timesteps: # 1. predicted model_output model_output = self.unet(image, t)['sample'] # 2. compute previous image: x_t -> x_t-1 cond_kwargs = dict( model_stats=model_stats, init_image=init_image, unet=self.unet, clip_guidance_scale=clip_guidance_scale, init_scale=init_scale, tv_scale=tv_scale, sat_scale=sat_scale, range_scale=range_scale, cut_overview=cut_overview, cut_innercut=cut_innercut, cut_ic_pow=cut_ic_pow, cut_icgray_p=cut_icgray_p, cutn_batches=cutn_batches, ) if self.with_secondary_model: cond_kwargs.update(secondary_model=self.secondary_model) diffusion_scheduler_output = infer_scheduler.step( model_output, t, image, cond_fn=self.guider.cond_fn, cond_kwargs=cond_kwargs, eta=eta) image = diffusion_scheduler_output['prev_sample'] return {'samples': image}
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