
Source code for mmagic.models.editors.guided_diffusion.adm

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import List, Optional

import mmengine
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from mmengine import MessageHub
from mmengine.model import BaseModel, is_model_wrapper
from mmengine.optim import OptimWrapperDict
from mmengine.runner.checkpoint import _load_checkpoint_with_prefix
from tqdm import tqdm

from mmagic.registry import DIFFUSION_SCHEDULERS, MODELS
from mmagic.structures import DataSample
from mmagic.utils.typing import ForwardInputs, SampleList

[docs]def classifier_grad(classifier, x, t, y=None, classifier_scale=1.0): """compute classification gradient to x.""" assert y is not None with torch.enable_grad(): x_in = x.detach().requires_grad_(True) timesteps = torch.ones_like(y) * t logits = classifier(x_in, timesteps) log_probs = F.log_softmax(logits, dim=-1) selected = log_probs[range(len(logits)), y.view(-1)] return torch.autograd.grad(selected.sum(), x_in)[0] * classifier_scale
@MODELS.register_module('ADM') @MODELS.register_module('GuidedDiffusion') @MODELS.register_module()
[docs]class AblatedDiffusionModel(BaseModel): """Guided diffusion Model. Args: data_preprocessor (dict, optional): The pre-process config of :class:`BaseDataPreprocessor`. unet (ModelType): Config of denoising Unet. diffusion_scheduler (ModelType): Config of diffusion_scheduler scheduler. use_fp16 (bool): Whether to use fp16 for unet model. Defaults to False. classifier (ModelType): Config of classifier. Defaults to None. pretrained_cfgs (dict): Path Config for pretrained weights. Usually this is a dict contains module name and the corresponding ckpt path.Defaults to None. """ def __init__(self, data_preprocessor, unet, diffusion_scheduler, use_fp16=False, classifier=None, classifier_scale=1.0, rgb2bgr=False, pretrained_cfgs=None): super().__init__(data_preprocessor=data_preprocessor) self.unet = self.diffusion_scheduler = diffusion_scheduler) if classifier: self.classifier = else: self.classifier = None self.classifier_scale = classifier_scale if pretrained_cfgs: self.load_pretrained_models(pretrained_cfgs) if use_fp16: mmengine.print_log('Convert unet modules to floatpoint16') self.unet.convert_to_fp16() self.rgb2bgr = rgb2bgr
[docs] def load_pretrained_models(self, pretrained_cfgs): """_summary_ Args: pretrained_cfgs (_type_): _description_ """ for key, ckpt_cfg in pretrained_cfgs.items(): prefix = ckpt_cfg.get('prefix', '') map_location = ckpt_cfg.get('map_location', 'cpu') strict = ckpt_cfg.get('strict', True) ckpt_path = ckpt_cfg.get('ckpt_path') if prefix == '': state_dict = torch.load(ckpt_path, map_location=map_location) else: state_dict = _load_checkpoint_with_prefix( prefix, ckpt_path, map_location) getattr(self, key).load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=strict) mmengine.print_log(f'Load pretrained {key} from {ckpt_path}')
[docs] def device(self): """Get current device of the model. Returns: torch.device: The current device of the model. """ return next(self.parameters()).device
[docs] def infer(self, scheduler_kwargs=None, init_image=None, batch_size=1, num_inference_steps=1000, labels=None, classifier_scale=0.0, show_progress=False): """_summary_ Args: init_image (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. batch_size (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 1. num_inference_steps (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 1000. labels (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. show_progress (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to False. Returns: _type_: _description_ """ if scheduler_kwargs is not None: mmengine.print_log('Switch to infer diffusion scheduler!', 'current') infer_scheduler = else: infer_scheduler = self.diffusion_scheduler # Sample gaussian noise to begin loop if init_image is None: image = torch.randn( (batch_size, self.get_module(self.unet, 'in_channels'), self.get_module(self.unet, 'image_size'), self.get_module(self.unet, 'image_size'))) else: image = init_image image = if isinstance(labels, int): labels = torch.tensor(labels).repeat(batch_size) elif labels is None: labels = torch.randint( low=0, high=self.get_module(self.unet, 'num_classes'), size=(batch_size, ), device=self.device) labels = # set step values if num_inference_steps > 0: infer_scheduler.set_timesteps(num_inference_steps) timesteps = infer_scheduler.timesteps if show_progress and mmengine.dist.is_main_process(): timesteps = tqdm(timesteps) for t in timesteps: # 1. predicted model_output model_output = self.unet(image, t, label=labels)['sample'] # 2. compute previous image: x_t -> x_t-1 if classifier_scale > 0 and self.classifier is not None: cond_fn = classifier_grad cond_kwargs = dict( y=labels, classifier=self.classifier, classifier_scale=classifier_scale) else: cond_fn = None cond_kwargs = {} diffusion_scheduler_output = infer_scheduler.step( model_output, t, image, cond_fn=cond_fn, cond_kwargs=cond_kwargs) image = diffusion_scheduler_output['prev_sample'] if self.rgb2bgr: image = image[:, [2, 1, 0], ...] return {'samples': image}
[docs] def forward(self, inputs: ForwardInputs, data_samples: Optional[list] = None, mode: Optional[str] = None) -> List[DataSample]: """_summary_ Args: inputs (ForwardInputs): _description_ data_samples (Optional[list], optional): _description_. Defaults to None. mode (Optional[str], optional): _description_. Defaults to None. Returns: List[DataSample]: _description_ """ init_image = inputs.get('init_image', None) batch_size = inputs.get('num_batches', 1) sample_kwargs = inputs.get('sample_kwargs', dict()) labels = sample_kwargs.get('labels', None) num_inference_steps = sample_kwargs.get( 'num_inference_steps', self.diffusion_scheduler.num_train_timesteps) show_progress = sample_kwargs.get('show_progress', False) classifier_scale = sample_kwargs.get('classifier_scale', self.classifier_scale) outputs = self.infer( init_image=init_image, batch_size=batch_size, num_inference_steps=num_inference_steps, show_progress=show_progress, classifier_scale=classifier_scale) batch_sample_list = [] for idx in range(batch_size): gen_sample = DataSample() if data_samples: gen_sample.update(data_samples[idx]) if isinstance(outputs, dict): gen_sample.fake_img = outputs['samples'][idx] gen_sample.set_gt_label(labels[idx]) # Append input condition (noise and sample_kwargs) to # batch_sample_list if init_image is not None: gen_sample.noise = init_image[idx] gen_sample.sample_kwargs = deepcopy(sample_kwargs) batch_sample_list.append(gen_sample) return batch_sample_list
[docs] def val_step(self, data: dict) -> SampleList: """Gets the generated image of given data. Calls ``self.data_preprocessor(data)`` and ``self(inputs, data_sample, mode=None)`` in order. Return the generated results which will be passed to evaluator. Args: data (dict): Data sampled from metric specific sampler. More details in `Metrics` and `Evaluator`. Returns: SampleList: Generated image or image dict. """ data = self.data_preprocessor(data) outputs = self(**data) return outputs
[docs] def test_step(self, data: dict) -> SampleList: """Gets the generated image of given data. Same as :meth:`val_step`. Args: data (dict): Data sampled from metric specific sampler. More details in `Metrics` and `Evaluator`. Returns: List[DataSample]: Generated image or image dict. """ data = self.data_preprocessor(data) outputs = self(**data) return outputs
[docs] def train_step(self, data: dict, optim_wrapper: OptimWrapperDict): """_summary_ Args: data (dict): _description_ optim_wrapper (OptimWrapperDict): _description_ Returns: _type_: _description_ """ message_hub = MessageHub.get_current_instance() curr_iter = message_hub.get_info('iter') # sampling x0 and timestep data = self.data_preprocessor(data) real_imgs = data['inputs'] timestep = self.diffusion_scheduler.sample_timestep() # calculating loss loss_dict = self.diffusion_scheduler.training_loss( self.unet, real_imgs, timestep) loss, log_vars = self._parse_losses(loss_dict) optim_wrapper['denoising'].update_params(loss) # update EMA if self.with_ema_denoising and (curr_iter + 1) >= self.ema_start: self.denoising_ema.update_parameters( self.denoising_ema. module if is_model_wrapper(self.denoising) else self.denoising) # if not update buffer, copy buffer from orig model if not self.denoising_ema.update_buffers: self.denoising_ema.sync_buffers( self.denoising.module if is_model_wrapper(self.denoising) else self.denoising) elif self.with_ema_denoising: # before ema, copy weights from orig self.denoising_ema.sync_parameters( self.denoising. module if is_model_wrapper(self.denoising) else self.denoising) return log_vars
[docs] def get_module(self, model: nn.Module, module_name: str) -> nn.Module: """Get an inner module from model. Since we will wrapper DDP for some model, we have to judge whether the module can be indexed directly. Args: model (nn.Module): This model may wrapped with DDP or not. module_name (str): The name of specific module. Return: nn.Module: Returned sub module. """ module = model.module if hasattr(model, 'module') else model return getattr(module, module_name)
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