
Source code for mmagic.models.editors.ttsr.search_transformer

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from mmengine.model import BaseModule

from mmagic.registry import MODELS

[docs]class SearchTransformer(BaseModule): """Search texture reference by transformer. Include relevance embedding, hard-attention and soft-attention. """
[docs] def gather(self, inputs, dim, index): """Hard Attention. Gathers values along an axis specified by dim. Args: inputs (Tensor): The source tensor. (N, C*k*k, H*W) dim (int): The axis along which to index. index (Tensor): The indices of elements to gather. (N, H*W) results: outputs (Tensor): The result tensor. (N, C*k*k, H*W) """ views = [inputs.size(0) ] + [1 if i != dim else -1 for i in range(1, inputs.ndim)] expansion = [ -1 if i in (0, dim) else d for i, d in enumerate(inputs.size()) ] index = index.view(views).expand(expansion) outputs = torch.gather(inputs, dim, index) return outputs
[docs] def forward(self, img_lq, ref_lq, refs): """Texture transformer. Q = LTE(img_lq) K = LTE(ref_lq) V = LTE(ref), from V_level_n to V_level_1 Relevance embedding aims to embed the relevance between the LQ and Ref image by estimating the similarity between Q and K. Hard-Attention: Only transfer features from the most relevant position in V for each query. Soft-Attention: synthesize features from the transferred GT texture features T and the LQ features F from the backbone. Args: All args are features come from extractor (such as LTE). These features contain 3 levels. When upscale_factor=4, the size ratio of these features is level3:level2:level1 = 1:2:4. img_lq (Tensor): Tensor of 4x bicubic-upsampled lq image. (N, C, H, W) ref_lq (Tensor): Tensor of ref_lq. ref_lq is obtained by applying bicubic down-sampling and up-sampling with factor 4x on ref. (N, C, H, W) refs (Tuple[Tensor]): Tuple of ref tensors. [(N, C, H, W), (N, C/2, 2H, 2W), ...] Returns: tuple: tuple contains: soft_attention (Tensor): Soft-Attention tensor. (N, 1, H, W) \n textures (Tuple[Tensor]): Transferred GT textures. [(N, C, H, W), (N, C/2, 2H, 2W), ...] """ levels = len(refs) # query query = F.unfold(img_lq, kernel_size=(3, 3), padding=1) # key key = F.unfold(ref_lq, kernel_size=(3, 3), padding=1) key_t = key.permute(0, 2, 1) # values values = [ F.unfold( refs[i], kernel_size=3 * pow(2, i), padding=pow(2, i), stride=pow(2, i)) for i in range(levels) ] key_t = F.normalize(key_t, dim=2) # [N, H*W, C*k*k] query = F.normalize(query, dim=1) # [N, C*k*k, H*W] # Relevance embedding rel_embedding = torch.bmm(key_t, query) # [N, H*W, H*W] max_val, max_index = torch.max(rel_embedding, dim=1) # [N, H*W] # hard-attention textures = [self.gather(value, 2, max_index) for value in values] # to tensor h, w = img_lq.size()[-2:] textures = [ F.fold( textures[i], output_size=(h * pow(2, i), w * pow(2, i)), kernel_size=3 * pow(2, i), padding=pow(2, i), stride=pow(2, i)) / 9. for i in range(levels) ] soft_attention = max_val.view(max_val.size(0), 1, h, w) return soft_attention, textures
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